Q. 1 What outcomes, attributed to your journey in Guided Pathways transformation, can your college share?
BC has organized around what we call the 4 pillars BC has organized around what we call the 4 pillars. The foundation is equity, social mobility and economic health.
Getting Bakersfield College Students on the Path (Intake) Our work begins with connecting to students early and often We have met with students at the high schools 231 times last fall 2006. We already started visits to the HS for registration and will be increasing those visits. The next step is getting the students in the appropriate courses. In 2014 we started multiple measures. Each year we modified our placement rules until we applied the MMAP placement standards in both math and English. The direct result of multiple measures being applied is the ability to meet our metrics of transfer level math and English completion. Prior to multiple measures, when students were placed in the lowest level of English ONLY 11% made it to transfer level English and less than 1% to transfer level math. 2016-17 had a 7% increase in students with only 3 units – this is an indicator that these are the dual enrolled and inmates. We think this contributed to the lower %, when looking only at 2016-17 the high school students multiple measured into Math was 40%.
Get Students on the path Once students are onboard, we are getting more and more students fully matriculated. Students with and SEP are 2 to 3 times more likely to complete. We noticed early on that our lowest percentage of students completing SEPs were African American. We created an Affinity group with the express task of intrusive nudges for our African American students. We were able to increase the % of African American students with completed SEPs to a higher percent than the overall percent of students shown here. With Guided pathways followup numbers are increasing for intrusive counseling.
Promoting outcomes through Early Engagement & Dual enrollment We are reaching out early for planning and pathway options with High School. Delivering dual enrollment by pathway and tracking through completion. Over the last 4 years we have had 2,802 students in Get focused Stay focused to get them ready for pathways. These early engagement with students yield sooner and higher rates of graduation at both 3 years and 6 years as compared to students who just start in college after high school.
Supporting Students Pillar 3 is supporting the students. BC has really scaled up various supports.These supports increase course completion and course success. Scaling means– 7000 students in Supplemental Instruction last fall 2017 4000 students using the writing center, tripling support in the math hub over the last 3 semesters to 3000 students and increasing the student success lab to 2500 students.
New Early Metrics Placement and Multiple measures are the foundation for big improvement in completion of transfer level English. We have more than doubled the completion of Transfer level English in the last 5 years; we have increased Hispanic and African American success here closing the equity gap while increasing the outcomes.
Higher Expectations – Tripling Early African American Transfer-level English completion at BC Equity is the foundation of our pillars and we have invested in humans and money to target high touch. So the first graph was Scorecard, a limited cohort of students. This represents ALL students at BC so the cohort is huge percentages smaller than the CCC Scorecard which reports a cohort of only about 2400 students .
Keeping BC Students on the Path by Pathways-Specific Data These data represent enrollment in English in the first term by pathway. These data show us that students in pathways have different rates of enrollment in English. It allows us to nudge students to get the courses we know help them to be successful.
Keeping BC Students on the Path Data by Pathway Data on early metrics by pathway help us affect the overall enrollment of students and track success.