Mishchanenko Alexander 6 ‘’D’’ Shepherd Mishchanenko Alexander 6 ‘’D’’
Description This dog is above average growth. In her withers height reaches 75 cm Weight of adult male is 45-70 kg. This is one of the largest dog breeds. The fur of the Caucasian Shepherd thick enough, they can easily withstand extreme cold and look even more massive due to dense undercoat, especially in winter. Along the length of wool are three types of Caucasian Shepherd - short, intermediate and long-haired. The first type is the least common, the most popular - the third. Color wolf gray, brown, yellow, with or without a mask, red and mottled.
Description The ears of the Caucasian Shepherd breed standards to be cupping as calling this breed - to protect the sheep from attack by wolves, and by engaging in a fight with a predator, the dog instinctively protects the ears, the most painful part. That is why long shepherds in the earliest puppy dogs deprived of cartilage ears to an adult had no problems when dealing with predators.
Description In the past, controlled breeding of the Caucasian sheep nobody did worked, and she could just disappear in other breeds of dogs. [Source not specified 263 days] The Caucasian Shepherd has persistent, courageous and decisive. Mistrustful of outsiders. With sufficient persistence owner is general course of training, and the general course of protective guard service like any other service breeds.