Self Care and the Job Search Strategies to Help Boost Your Well-Being Transition Assistance Tutorial
Agenda Topic Content The job search rollercoaster Managing emotions Science: the power of the brain You can retrain your brain Impact of negative emotions Fight or flight Benefits of positive emotions Open-minded, seeing possibilities! Scientifically proven ways to improve well-being What you focus on grows Appendix Additional self care exercises and resources to explore
The job search rollercoaster Preparing for your search: Job search is more like a marathon than a sprint. Managing your emotions: Before you even begin to think about your search, you may find yourself dealing with strong feelings about your current situation. Job loss can evoke a range of emotions from anger to relief to shame. With time, these emotions might slowly be replaced with acceptance, which can allow for constructive progress to take place and positive energy and momentum begins to build.
Managing your emotions Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross describes the five stages of grieving.. Denial– “This isn’t really happening. I can still go on enjoying life doing all the things I usually do." Anger– “I can’t believe this. It’s _____ fault I ‘m in this situation and it makes me so angry.” Bargaining– “Maybe I can go back to the job/salary I was at before. That sounds like my only option right now.” Depression– “There is nothing I can do. There are no jobs out there. Why should I even bother trying to find something?” Acceptance– “Ok! It is what it is. Time to start exploring and seeing what’s out there!” Source: Kubler-Ross, E., On Death and Dying (1969)
Well-being during a job search Mind. Body. Spirit. Exercise Sleep Nutrition Meditation Lifelong Learning Leveraging Strengths Body Mind Spirit Positive Relationships Self-Reflection Higher Purpose A job search is a journey and involves a “whole person approach.”
The Science of Positive Thinking Broaden and Build Core Positive Emotions: Gratitude Joy Serenity Interest Hope Pride Amusement Inspiration Awe Love Sources: Clear, James, The Science of Positive Thinking: How Positive Thoughts Build Your Skills, Boost Your Health, and Improve Your Work, Fredrickson, B. L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2, 300-319. Fredrickson, B. L., & Branigan, C. A., (2005). Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought-action repertoires. Cognition and Emotion, 19, 313-332.
Your Brain in a Negative State Fight or flight Amygdala is signaled, resulting in uncomfortable physical symptoms and a “close-minded” perspective. Subject is simply focused on survival. Source:
Your Brain in a Positive State Open to Possibilities! Pre-frontal cortex is fired, resulting in creative problem-solving and quick, constructive response. Subject has ability to thrive. Source:
Developing a Positive Mindset How do our minds work? Default Network (60-70%) Minds wander, often toward the negative Experiential Network (30-40%) Very aware, intentionally focused Source: Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Self-Care and the Job Search
Examine Your Current Mindset What are our thoughts telling us? I’ll never be good enough. I’m a total failure. I bombed that interview. No one ever replies to my messages. No matter how hard I try, I’ll never land another job in my industry. There are no jobs out there. Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Self-Care and the Job Search
Challenging Thoughts When you experience a negative thought, ask yourself…. Can you absolutely know that it’s true? Is it true? How do you react when you think (or believe) that thought? Who would you be without that thought? Source: Source: Source:
What State Are You Living In? Surviving Stress hormones spike Mental resources drained “Black and White” Thinking Frozen, can’t take action Thriving “Happy Neurochemicals” Blood Flow to Pre-frontal Cortex Problem-solving, ideation, Resilient, action-oriented Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Self-Care and the Job Search
Role Play Cultivating Positive Feelings “I am very down/depressed about my search. I’m not good enough.”
Life Goals/Vision Clarity: Being clear on what you want. Choice: Choosing and intentionally maintaining our focus. Creation vs reaction. Certainty: Believing that what we want will come true. Flexibility that things will come in the “right package” at the “right time.”
Life Planning Exercise I Will.. Career Relationships I will stop working at 6pm every night to have focused, uninterrupted time with my children. I will spend more time with people that ‘light me up’ and less time with people who drain me. Join a non-profit organization aligned to my passion around inner-city education. Work in a role that allows me to travel globally and influence people from different cultures. Health & Wellness Personal Development I will train for my first 5K, starting with walking 30 minutes/day. I will curb my reliance on caffeine by cutting down to 1 cup of coffee/day. Read or listen to 2 books/month Take a certification class to enhance my skills and brand as a project manager. Self-Care and the Job Search Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.
FOCUS ON THINGS THAT ARE IN YOUR CONTROL Within My Influence Out of My Control In My Control Other’s Agendas Other’s Timelines Other’s Choices Other’s Perceptions of Me My Time My Energy Who I Surround Myself With My Self-worth .
Vs Learning “Learning Never Exhausts the Mind.” – Leonardo da Vinci Growth Mindset Fixed Mindset Vs “I understand that my talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence. I can always learn more.” “I believe my basic abilities, intelligence, talents, are just fixed traits. Therefore, I’m usually always right.”
Self-Care Tips and Resources Exercise Meditation Nutrition Headspace Buddhify Simply Being CardioTrainer Workout trainer My Fitness Pal Fooducate Mood Matters:
Self-Care Tips & Exercises To Help Boost Your Mood
Journaling Exercises Everyday, record three good things that happened or for which you are grateful for (i.e. constructive feedback on my resume, coffee with a friend, a networking email returned). Keep a “what went well” journal. Record your “life planning” goals in your journal and track your progress.
Practice Focusing on the Positive Start conversations focused on the positive. A great way to tee up your elevator speech or start off an interview! Kindness counts – when networking practice reciprocating when it makes sense. Laugh with friends or watch a funny show. Laughing releases feel- good endorphins. Enjoy nature– nature taps into part of the brain that induces a calm but alert state. If climate in your area prevents you from getting outside, consider a houseplant in your work area or a natural sunlamp.
Focus On Your Health/Well-Being Establish a daily routine – build in time for yourself in addition to your job search activities. Get moving – exercise triggers better eating habits and boots endorphins. Eat healthy - consider adding more vegetables and fruits to your daily diet and cut down on sugar and caffeine. Add a nutrition goal to your life planning list. Surround yourself with positive people – make a point interact with others, co-working spaces, volunteer, and attend networking events.
Good luck on your self-care journey!
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