Conformity Assessment of assemblies Workshop in Bratislava 11. -13.04.2005 Conformity Assessment of assemblies a practical guidance Ferdinand Neuwieser Copyright: F. Neuwieser 18.11.2018
PED – Definition Assembly Die Vorschriften des 3. Abschnittes für Anlagen mit druckbeaufschlag-ten Anlagenteilen zielen auf die Begegnung von Druckgefahren. Notizen:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Several pieces of pressure equipment assembled by a manufacturer to constitute an integrated and functional whole. Copyright: F. Neuwieser 18.11.2018
Items of Pressure equipment form an assembly if: Guideline 3/08 - Definition Items of Pressure equipment form an assembly if: they are integrated, i.e. they are connected and designed to be compatible with each other they are functional, i.e. together, they achieve specific, overall objectives and could be put into operation Copyright: F. Neuwieser 18.11.2018
Items of Pressure Equipment form an assembly if: Guideline 3/08 - Definition Items of Pressure Equipment form an assembly if: they form a whole, i.e. all the items which are necessary for the assembly to function and be safe are present and they are assembled by one manufacturer who intends the resulting assembly to be placed on the market . Copyright: F. Neuwieser 18.11.2018
Assembly not in the Scope of PED Guideline 3/02- Joining operations on site Assembly of items of pressure equipment on site under the responsibility of a user Introduction PED (5) Assembly not in the Scope of PED National legislation to be observed Assembly of items of pressure equipment on site under the responsibility of a manufacturer Assembly in the Scope of PED Copyright: F. Neuwieser 18.11.2018
Conformity Assessment of Assemblies PED Article 10 (2) assessment of each item of pressure equipment making up the assembly which has not been previously subjected to a conformity assessment procedure Assessment of the integration of the various components acc. to Annex I, 2.3, 2.8, 2.9 Assessment of the protection of an assembly acc. to Annex I 2.10, 3.2.3 Copyright: F. Neuwieser 18.11.2018
Provisions to ensure safe handling and operation Conformity Assessment of Assemblies Provisions to ensure safe handling and operation e.g. openings, safe discharge of pressure reliefs, surface temperature 2.3 Assemblies e.g. compatibility of components, correct integration 2.8 Provisions for filling and discharge e.g. Overfilling, filling / discharge safe connection 2.9 Copyright: F. Neuwieser 18.11.2018
e.g. suitable safety devices Conformity Assessment of Assemblies Protection against exceeding the allowable limits of pressure equipment e.g. suitable safety devices 2.10 Inspection of safety devices e.g. check of safety devices acc. to 2.10 3.2.3 Copyright: F. Neuwieser 18.11.2018
Inspection of assemblies before putting into service Integration Protection of Ass. Operating instr. Conform. assessm. of Assembly PED Art.10 (2) Intended use Inspection before putting into service BetrSichV § 14 (1) Integration Installation On site conditions Protection Copyright: F. Neuwieser 18.11.2018