Organized Criminal Groups Ranked by Power.
Definition of Power Directions: On this slide you need to define the word power as you see it. Power could be defined by who has the most money, most territory, the scariest, the best known, etc. How you define this word is how you will rank the nine criminal groups you will be reading about today. On each slide you need to state/show the following information: Facts that support why you ranked the group the way you did. Photo(s) that are relevant to giving visual aide to someone who is looking at the slide.
#9 – (group name) This list will start with the least powerful group as you see it. (Fact) (Picture)
#8 – (group name) (Fact) (Picture)
#7 – (group name) (Fact) (Picture)
#6 – (group name) (Fact) (Picture)
#5 – (group name) (Fact) (Picture)
#4 – (group name) (Fact) (Picture)
#3 – (group name) (Fact) (Picture)
#2 – (group name) (Fact) (Picture)
#1 – (group name) This slide will show the group you consider to be the most powerful group by your definition of power. (Fact) (Picture)