European Studies Today’s Agenda: More on The Church…


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Presentation transcript:

European Studies 9.22.17 Today’s Agenda: More on The Church… Turn in: Nothing Take out: Planner, Stamp Sheet Feudalism Chart, pen, paper for other notes. Today’s Learning Objectives: I can describe what life in the Middle Ages was like for different groups of people. Today’s Agenda: More on The Church… HW: None (but your notes should be complete

3.4--Pilgrimages Why did people undertake pilgrimages during the Middle Ages? What were some of the popular destinations of pilgrims? What were the Crusades? What was the purpose of these Crusades?


3.5—Art & Architecture 1. In what ways did the art of medieval Europe reflect the influence of the Roman Catholic Church? 2. What were cathedrals? What were some of their key architectural features?

3.5—Art & Architecture

3.5—Art & Architecture

3.6--Education 1. What role did the Roman Catholic Church play in education during the Middle Ages? 2. Who was Thomas Aquinas? What did he try to do with theology and ancient philosophy?

3.6--Education Summa Theologiae intellectual virtues: the integration of a strong faith with great learning; acute organization of thought; judicious use of a wide range of sources, including pagan and other non-Christian sources; an awareness of the complexity of language; linguistic economy; rigorous argumentation.

3.7--Holidays What was the role of holidays in the everyday lives of the common folk? What do you think the purpose of holidays was within the Church?


What is the difference between mendicant friars and monks? 3.8—Monastic Life What is the difference between mendicant friars and monks? What was life for a monk like?

3.8—Monastic Life