Figurative Language & Poetic Devices Day 16 Figurative Language & Poetic Devices
Goals Focus Question Today To explore how poets and song writers use figurative language What poetics forms and devices do poets use?
What is Figurative Language (recap) Language not meant to be taken literally. A way to describe an experience with words rather than the obvious description.
A CLICHÉ by Eve Merriam A cliché is what we all say when we’re too lazy to find another way and so we say warm as toast, quiet as a mouse, slow as molasses, quick as a wink. Think. Is toast the warmest thing you know? Think again, it might not be so. Think again: it might even be snow! Soft as lamb’s wool, fleecy snow, a lacy shawl of new-fallen snow. Listen to that mouse go scuttling and clawing, nibbling and pawing. A mouse can speak if only a squeak. Is a mouse the quietest thing you know? Think again: it might be a shadow. Quiet as a shadow, quiet as growing grass, quiet as a pillow, or a looking glass. Slow as molasses, Before you say so, take time to think. Slow as time passes when you’re sad and alone; quick as an hour can go happily on your own. Copyright © 1964 from It Doesn’t Always Have to Rhyme, by Eve Merriam taken from Language And How To Use It by Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois Copyright © 1969, 1973 by by Scott, Foresman and Company All Rights Reserved.
Finding Figurative Language in Movies & Lyrics Video link:
Cool Kids Listen to Echosmith’s song, “Cool Kids” and annotate lyrics and complete TSP-FASTT along with the questions. Pay close attention to use of Figurative language and be sure to notate in your annotation.
Assignment: Go through packet in order… then: In your table groups, complete a close reading of one of the following songs keep in mind that all writers, lyricists included, have messages they want to send out into the world, but they want us to do some of the work. They want us to read closely and pay attention to details. The more carefully we pay attention, the more the writer’s message will be revealed. Work together to generate answers to the questions. THEN: answer the following questions in a paragraph form INDIVIDUALLY on a separate sheet of paper. You are writing an analysis of the song, so be sure that you don’t just answer the questions, but also make the paragraph flow smoothly.
Continue working on portfolio Continue yesterday’s assignments Today: Folder Check Meet with Counselors Continue working on portfolio Continue yesterday’s assignments
Then: Meet with Counselors Today: Warm-up Then: Meet with Counselors I will call you in small groups Work quickly on Warm-up!