Medicaid Spending The FY17 Executive recommendation is an increase of $72.2, in total state funds, in large part due to stepped down federal funding for Medicaid expansion. ($ in millions) FY14 Actual FY15 Projection* FY16 OpBud FY16 Projection* FY17 Executive Rec. FY17 LFC Rec. Total Budget $4,200.6 $5,168.9 $5,503.4 $5,686.3 $5,919.8 $5,950.3 General Fund $901.9 $893.3 $891.7 $933.4 $961.0 $970.5 Other State $236.3 $233.6 $258.1 $257.0 $250.3 $230.6 Total State $1,138.2 $1,126.9 $1,149.8 $1,190.4 $1,211.20 $1,201.1 *Projection data as of December, 2015. Under the current projection the Medicaid program will need a $41.7 million general fund supplemental appropriation for FY16. These figures exclude Medicaid administration. Total Medicaid spending is increasing, primarily due to enrollment growth
Continuing Medicaid Budget Pressures Provider Requests for Rate Increase Nursing Facilities PACE ICFIID’s (formerly known as ICFMRs) UNM Federal Mandates for Benefit Expansions Autism Coverage Hepatitis C Treatment Mental Health Parity Sustainability of Certain Programs Dependent on Medicaid Financing Health Information Exchange New Mexico Medical Insurance Pool UNM ECHO Cares Health Insurance Exchange