CC word list 8 College Composition Mr. Matzka Vocab Words Week 1 College Composition Mr. Matzka
abbreviate (v) To reduce to a shorter form
abridge (v) to shorten; to condense; to diminish
abstain (v) to refrain from; denying oneself
absurd (adj) ridiculously unreasonable; laughable
access (noun) authorization or capacity to enter, look at, or use something
acronym (noun) a word created from the initials of other words
affidavit (noun) a sworn written statement for legal proceedings
allegory (noun) a symbolic story
allegiance (noun) devotion or loyalty to a person, country, or cause
amass (verb) to gather or accumulate
acceptable (adj) able to be taken in
acquire (verb) to gain
amateur (verb) person engaging in art, science, or athletic activity as pastime, not a profession
achievement (noun) the act of seeing a goal through; an accomplishment
accompanying (verb) coming with; joining