FOREST SECTOR DEVELOPMENT AND ITS RELATIONS TO POLICIES Forest policy and legislation Other sectoral policies influencing forest sector Nature conservation and environmental protection Policies and development strategies related to energy, education and employment sectors Rural and agricultural development Industrial development and investments Regional forestry and forest industrial strategies Roles of the public and private sectors
Policy analysis continues… Major problems related to investments at Federal, regional,local and enterprise levels International financing and development mechanisms,particularly the IMF and the WB Group and the EU
WORKING LIFE DEVELOPMENT in the RUSSIAN FOREST SECTOR OVERALL DEVELOPMENT Public/private sector From production orientation to market orientation DEVELOPMENT OF WORKING LIFE RELATED TO FORESTS International tendencies Whole production chains with emphasis on comprehensive forest management planning, Appropriate harvesting and wood working techniques Forest certification and chain-of-custody Computerization, mechanization
DEVELOPMENT OF FOREST WORK Forest work changing in various forestry organizations Future professions and occupations Skills and knowledge required in various professions and occupation Roles of educated and uneducated people, particularly in rural areas
PROBLEMS AND GAPS IN FOREST RELATED EDUCATION AND TRAINING in the RF GENERAL PROBLEMS Functional literacy/information processing skills Inequities in learning opportunities/Financing reform in education Equal opportunities for basic education Allocation of education budget between primary, secondary and academic levels Cost-effectiveness of educational inputs Equitable distribution across jurisdictions Increased private financing disadvantaging poor/Scholarship system
General educational problems continue… Publicly financed education and GDP Minimum level 5% State budget and taxation versus regional and local taxation/financing Administrative structure related problems MNR and MinEdu
Educational problems and gaps continue… MANAGEMENT RELATED PROBLEMS Management skills Cost structure: For instance, energy costs Maintenance of infrastructure and repair of facilities Modern, appropriate technologies for practical training Client orientation FUNCTION RELATED PROBLEMS Didactic materials Upgrading knowledge and skills of teachers Teachers and costs
Function related problems continue… Meals Dormitory Cleaning Maintenance and repair of facilities TRANSFER OF BEST PRACTICES from one country to another within the country through advice, consultancy and networking
TRAINING NEEDS’ ASSESSMENT IN THE TRAINING PROCESS TNA PROCESS: Preparation Data collection Analysis Recommendations Action Plan With illustrations a training cycle and definitions of training gaps/needs
TRAINING NEEDS’ ASSESSMENT IN THE TRAINING PROCESS The TNA process can be divided into 5 steps: 1) Preparation, 2) Data Collection, 3) Analysis, 4) Recommendations, and 5) Action Plan. Definition of Training Gap/Needs The Training Cycle – A Systematic Approach to Training
TRAINING PROCESS IN AN EXTERNALLY FUNDED FOREST SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 1. Training of personnel to carry out the TNA 2. Planning of TNA 3. Data collection at various levels of employees in selected enterprises and stakeholder groups 4. Analyses of the findings and results of TNA 5. Design of training programs and modules etc.incl. materials and of recommendations for revision of educational programs
Training process continues… 7. Selection of trainers 8. Training of trainers 9. Training of some piloting groups,usually identified as focal ones 10.Planning of follow-up of the training process 11. Training of trainees usually implemented by the recipient with its own (co-)funding
TRAINING APPROACHES IN THE RUSSIAN FOREST SECTOR Illustrations on substance-based, training system-based as well as resource-and delivery-based approaches
CASES FROM LENINGRAD REGION EU/ETF: VET and Employment Reviews and pilot projects in selected sectors such as wood processing Finnish funded bilateral development projects incl. TNAs, and co-funded by EU World Bank Pilot Forestry Project WB/IFC development program for investments in forest harvesting and wood processing Swedish funded development projects in forestry