CTE 102 Budget Coding
Quick Reference Guide
Budget Narrative Detail Line item entry of budget data and narrative by Object code and Function Code
2019- Priority
Performance Measures(PM)
Performance Measure OBJECTIVES Match up objectives with funding codes * Function code is NOT object code
Function Codes These codes are used in grant performance measure objectives Instruction (1000…) Student related-face to face Support Services (2100…) Services that support CTE; enhance instruction Support Services (2300…) Administration services that support CTE Follow along with quick reference chart Reminder- Grant PM objectives use function codes
HINT To change from object code to function code- click on
Check Coding “Alignment”-Helpful Hint
Substitute Teacher* Narrative- number of days + daily rate SUBSTITUTES 6100-2100 Substitute Teacher* Narrative- number of days + daily rate *Does not cover sub for sick leave for CTE teacher but use when CTE teacher at training or CTSO activities. Use 6100-2100.
Code 6300
What is the difference between travel and transportation? Code 6500 What is the difference between travel and transportation?
Includes lodging, meals, + transportation Includes lodging, meals, + transportation Example- transportation is fees, mileage, vehicle rentals Rental- bus or other vehicle rental for employee travel use code 6500 TRAVEL Important to say who is traveling as student travel is coded 6800- what is adult travel coded? Hint- Student travel(hotel + food)- use code 6800, not 6500
teacher traveling with students -code 6500-2100 teacher traveling (no students) -code 6500-2100
STUFF In Application Narrative On Supplies Spreadsheet *Consumables On Supplies Spreadsheet *Equipment under $5,000 but not a consumable. On Capital Worksheet *Equipment $5,000 or more
Supplies- 6600 Definition-tangible*personal property Includes program specific instructional supplies(6600-1000)- not general supplies Useful life of less than 1 year Replace, don’t repair *Note- intangible property means having no physical existence Ex.- trademarks- Tangible personal property (equipment) as opposed to real property( ex- land, buildings)
Example 2- Cloth napkins Example 3- Scissors CODE 6600 Example 1- Manual blood pressure cuff Does it have useful life of more than 1 year? Would it be repaired? Example 2- Cloth napkins Example 3- Scissors
Priority + Perkins Supplies 6600-1000 Narrative- include program name dollar amount sample of items Site Example- Fashion Design- $500- tracing paper, pins, thread, cutting boards Make sure to adjust each program area if adjust budget
Helpful Hint- 6600-1000 don’t cluster together- use a separate entry for each program *If multi site district- add site name
Supplies-Software Instructional software- use code 6600-1000 In budget narrative- include CTE program name + name of software program and cost Do not use codes 6737,6738,6739.Use this code for NON-instructional software
Supplies- Magazine Subscriptions 6600-1000 Narrative- - Program name - Name of publication/magazine
Informational Materials In both budget narrative and performance measures use term “informational materials” -Do not write- marketing or promotional materials as Perkins does not allow
Equipment(Codes 6730----) Should be specialized equipment for CTE program -Use CTE program equipment list -If not on “equipment” list then GPS gets approval from Program Specialist Best Practice- be pre-approved by Program Specialist (PS) before put on worksheet if not on approved equipment list
STUFF In Application Narrative On Supplies Spreadsheet *Consumables On Supplies Spreadsheet *Equipment under $5,000 but not a consumable. On Capital Worksheet *Equipment $5,000 or more
OBJECT CODE Coding Matrix Type Furniture + Equipment 6731 or 6732 6733 Type Less than $5,000 $5,000 or more Furniture + Equipment 6731 or 6732 6733 Vehicles 6734 or 6735 6736 Technology Related Hardware + Software 6737 or 6738 6739 Coding Matrix *Cost is per unit –include tax, shipping, handling, + warranty
Equipment Under $5000 Upload worksheet under related documents in Supply area - title with code and date
Label with code-example “6733”
Related Documents
Helpful Hint- Keep It Simple
Common Errors -Items in wrong budget code - Worksheet doesn’t match budget -Items in wrong budget code -Disposable items not put in 6600-1000
How to Upload in Related Documents Log-in to ADE Connect Select CTE Grant Start a revision Go to “Sections” Select “Related Documents” Click “upload new” Upload
CODE 6800 Field trips- both Perkins + Priority can be used to assist with entrance fees for ONLY economically disadvantaged students CTSO expenses- see next slide
CTSO – Priority ONLY The following are examples of allowable expenditures: CTSO advisor stipend 6100- 2100 Student transportation- 6500- 2100 Student affiliation fees 6800- 2100 Student food and hotel costs- 6800- 2100 Student conference registrations 6800- 2100 Student CTSO apparel to loan 6800- 2100 Look at quick reference chart- many CTSO items are not allowed with Perkins. For CTSO fees- follow CTSO fee guide
Career Exploration-Perkins Career Exploration Equipment - Grades 7+ 8- no - Grade 9- yes Career Exploration Instructional Supplies - Grades 7, 8, 9- yes Exploration Software- yes
Career Exploration-Priority Career Exploration Equipment- grades 7,8,9- OK Exploration Software and Instructional Supplies –Grades 7,8,9-OK
Reminder-Indirect Cost Priority- no indirect cost allowed Perkins- 5% limit on 2300 + indirect cost
Helpful Hint Before Submitting Grant- In PERKIN’S Application All assurances are checked off Have Objectives for EACH Performance Measure - Remember to use function codes for budget- box 7 - Complete all boxes Indirect + Administrative Cost never exceed 5% Do not “cluster activities” into one code Double check the math Uploaded all required documents- Labeled worksheets if budgeted equipment Job description( if needed)
Classroom set of blazers- CTSO CTSO CODING-Perkins or Priority?? ITEM PRIORITY PERKINS CTSO program fee Classroom set of blazers- CTSO CTSO advisor stipend Advisor travel- CTSO event Advisor registration- CTSO Leadership event Chaperone registration- CTSO Leadership event Student registration- CTSO event Student food/hotel- CTSO event
Coding Activity-continued PERKINS OR PRIORITY SPECIFIC ITEM/DESCRIPTION OBJECT CODE FUNCTION Instructor training to become a CPR trainer( will instruct students) Instructional materials for CTSO curriculum Teacher affiliation fee- CTSO Teacher affiliation fee- National ACTE Supplies for advisory meetings Use cards- both
Coding Activity- continued PERKINS OR PRIORITY SPECIFIC ITEM/DESCRIPTION OBJECT CODE FUNCTION Curriculum Consortium membership fees Facility rental- advisory meeting Student chef coats Mileage-teacher going to PD District data reporter- FTE staff CNA clinical instructor Teacher- Registration- CTSO- student event
Other Grant Guidelines Priority Grant Materials purchased with state funds must be IN HAND by June 30 Perkins Grant Materials purchased with federal funds must be IN HAND by December 30 with money obligated by September 30
Professional Development(PD)- Perkins Have 90 days after grant year ends to “use money” for PD- Example(Perkins)- pay for PD in August but PD is not until December
If your grant is returned- read checklist for comments
Trouble Shooting When receiving a message of “Status cannot be changed, validation errors exist.” Check the “Validation” column and click on the very top “Messages” link -This will show you errors preventing the submission
Spend It or Lose It! How much money has your District requested for 2018/ 2019? Where do you find this information? Where do you find expenditure details? Where do you find comments in the history log? Should a revision be done?
Revisions- Budget $1,000 or 10%- which ever is the most