Building Coordinators Meeting November 9, 2017 President’s Dining Room Bernhard Center
Agenda Welcome – Pete Strazdas Introductions of new building coordinators Topics for discussion Project Process Overview – Ron Robyn Architecture/Interior Design – Eleonora Philopoulos Engineering – John Seelman Construction –John Koestner Furniture Website – Eleonora Philopoulos Snow Removal – Mark Frever Q & A
Introduction of New Building Coordinators
Overview of the Process Client Involvement & Approvals Project Request Design Construction Closeout Project Manager Throughout Entire Project
Client Responsibilities Provides input on project scope, schedule and budget Scope: Communicate project objectives Schedule: Provide schedule preferences and constraints Budget: Provide funding for design and construction Identify stakeholders, end users and ultimate decision makers Identify client single point of contact who ensures appropriate communication with project team
Project Manager Responsibilities Communication Permanent single point of contact Facilitates all conversations with project resources Keeps client informed of all major steps and phases throughout the project Important and critical issues Facilitates meetings in all phases of the project Ensure compliance with approved project scope, schedule and budget Ensure compliance with project process and project transparency
Project Request Start Project Client submits a project request via FM website FM assigns a project number and Project Manager Initial consultation with project team Project Scope, Schedule and Budget Range Design budget submitted to client for approval
Design Start Design A Design Lead will be assigned to each project Client approval of design budget based on the proposed scope, schedule, and budget Design Lead creates collaborative team to complete design per client requirements Meeting client expectations Design Lead coordinates presentation of design document drafts for client review Client signs off on final design
Construction Start Construction Client approval of construction budget and schedule Project Manager coordinates construction process Meeting client expectations Project Manager keeps client fully informed and involved throughout project Client signs off at substantial completion of project with a punch list
Closeout Finish Project Punch list items completed Final review of project success Client Feedback survey CELEBRATION!
Tracking Milestone Dates Process Step Date o Client request o FM assigns project manager (PM), project number and informs client via e-mail o PM initial consultation on scope, budget and schedule PM meets with engineering and architecture to create project team o PM receives approved design budget from client o Client and project team complete design o PM receives design approval from client PM develops budget for construction phase o PM receives approved construction budget from client Construction of project finished construction o Client signs off at substantial completion with a punch list Track & Measure Client Involvement & Approvals
Furniture Website
Snow Removal