November fwea 10 Minute Meeting Union Led Success Communication Avenues BAT teams PD & Meet-Ups Bargain updates & Wear Red Nov 30
Union power successes members-Ars-Exec Board-President-staff collaborating and standing up Start times ripple effect How the 14th was NOT a double dock day The correction on Nov 23rd release time ESP get-together participation TGIF Pizza Night (Oct 21) participation Substitute Pay, system improvements*** is your building paying more now? Educators of Color meet-up participation Packed house at AR meetings Standing up for PLC time (building led unless consensus to do otherwise, as per Early Release memo) AR 2 minute Update input ** David Brower has been great to collaborate with to help us on these issues.
Communication avenues Update your contact info on the homepage of Important for our upcoming bargain and enforcing current CBA: President’s Reports 10 Minute Meetings Facebook Group (Federal Way Education Association) Community Facebook Page Building Action Teams (BATs) Your Association Representatives Text Messages 81010 @fweatext Also: Calling Association Representatives at other building & Executive Board members
Building Action Teams (BAT) Eyes and Ears for the bargain Quick, building-level 2 way communication for important input and messages (This is an FWEA tradition, like a phonetree) Please see who is on your team
Union Led PD & Meet-ups (sign up on Culturally Competent Classroom Management Come to a gathering about issues we are all passionate about
Events & Bargain Updates Nov 21 Special Ed issues meet-up Nov 22 Culturally Relevant Classroom Management PD Nov 30th IRLA/ELA Meet-Up November 30th, wear RED in support of our FWEA Listening Tour! High schools and middle schools, we will be visiting to hear you in a 5 minute 1:1 conversation. Have your ideas and concerns ready to share. Your thoughts will help inform the theme of the bargain. January 16th. Rally for Student Rights in Olympia with a broad coalition. (Exact times and details to come, but expect 9-12. We’ll be talking about the bargain and issues on our bus ride down!)
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