Paul’s Letter to the Church in Colosse 6. Completing the Work Colossians 4:2-18 (p. 1090)
1. Primed for Action Persevere in Prayer Be Watchful , Be Thankful. Pray that the good news will be proclaimed clearly Be wise in your actions towards others Make the most of every opportunity (“redeem the time”) Speak graciously, wisely, ready to answer others (1 Pe 3:15) 1 Peter 3:15-16 (TNIV) 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
2. People Tychicus – From “Asia” (Ac 20:4; Eph 6:21; 2 Tim 4:12; Tit 3:12) Onesimus – An escaped slave (Phm 10) Aristarchus – A Thessalonian (Ac 19:29, 20:4, 27:2; Phm 24) (John) Mark – Barnabas’ cousin, Peter’s helper, Gospel writer. (Ac 12:12, 25, 13:13, 15:37, 39; 2 Ti 4:11; Phm 24; 1 Pe 5:13) Jesus/Justus – A Jewish believer & brother Tychicus bearer of the letter to the Ephesians native of the province of Asia, Paul’s fellow-travelers on his last journey to Jerusalem. carry the contributions from one or more of the churches of Asia. two occasions in the Pastoral Letters as a messenger of Paul (2 Tim. 4:12; Tit. 3:12). trusty servant of Christ, in fact his own “fellow-slave” in the Lord, - paid Paul and Timothy a visit in Rome, and was now on his way back to his native province. - a visit from Tychicus would be helpful to the church; he could impart stability and encouragement. Aristarchus In the narrative of Acts he appears as a native of Thessalonica, who was with Paul at Ephesus and was exposed to personal danger during the riotous assembly in the Ephesian theater (Acts 19:29). Later he accompanied Paul on his last voyage to Judaea (Acts 20:4), presumably as one of two delegates from the Thessalonian church (the other being Secundus), and again when he set sail from Caesarea for Italy (Acts 27:2).
2. People ... Epaphras – Colossian Evangelist/Leader (Col 1:7, Phm 23) Luke – Gospel writer, doctor (2 Ti 4:11, Phm 24) Demas – Fellow worker (Phm 24), (Later deserted Paul, 2 Ti 4:10) Nympha – Home Group Leader (as was Philemon. Phm 2) Archippus – A fellow soldier, (son of Philemon?) (Phm 2)
3. Purpose of the Letter Emphasize the supremacy & sufficiency of CHRIST Encourage the believers – Stand firm in the teaching you received – beware of deceptions Live lives that reflect your identity in Christ Pray Reach outward graciously at every opportunity
Rising to the occasion The time is now!