To the demo class By Shaheena Ali TGT (Art),K.V Rangpuri Delhi
Lesson plan for class IX Greeting cards Description: A Greeting card is just a small piece of paper printed or hand painted or handcrafted with printed or handwritten message to convey your feelings to someone. Nowadays what matters in every field is the presentation. Greetings card is also one of the means of presenting your feelings.
Content to be covered Telling the use of greeting cards to the students and telling them how to make it.
objective Let the students know different techniques of using waste material or different coloured papers to make a beautiful greeting card. To use and improve their creative skills.
Materials required Pastel paper or handmade paper Different coloured papers Glue Different decorative materials Old invitation cards or marriage cards etc.
methodology Greeting cards can be used for almost all occasions, only thing is that you should select the right card, appropriate color, design or picture along with the printed message or your own handwritten massage, which will reveal your affection.
Steps Make different flowers using coloured papers as instructed by the teachers or with your own imagination. Take a pastel or handmade paper and fold it. Now paste the flowers on the front side of your card in a decorative manner Use some glitter or other decorative materials to make your card more beautiful. Inside the card write some coutation. Your card is ready to give to someone special.
Value points Cleanliness Attractiveness Beautification Use of different materials
assignment Slow learners: to make a greeting card from an old marriage card. Bright students: To make greeting cards using paper flowers and different decorative materials.