GOOD PRACTICES IN PIC IN HUNGARY Edit Németh, Deputy Head of Public Finance Policy Unit
LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF ACCOUNTABILITY Constitution Public Finance Act Statutum Act & Civil Service Act Transparency and Anti-corruption State Audit Office Act Financial Stability Act Monetary Council Gov. Decree on IC Gov. Decree on Financial Management National IC standards LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF ACCOUNTABILITY Gov. Decree on Strategic governance Gov. Decree on Integrity management Gov. Decree on continuous training and development Gov. Decree on performance evaluation Public Information Act Whistle bowler’s Act Criminal Code National Anticorruption Plan
ON PAPER EVERYTHING LOOKS NICE, WHAT ABOUT THE PRACTICE? CHALLENEGES ON PAPER EVERYTHING LOOKS NICE, WHAT ABOUT THE PRACTICE? Who is responsible for what? Civil Service Act vs. delegation of responsibility and authorization Tradition vs. Accountability Centralization vs. Decentralization General knowledge on internal control system Cooperation between reforms – how to use synergies?
WHAT IS WORKING FOR US? CLEAR regulation of responsibilities COOPERATION with National Anticorruption Program DEDICATED AGENT OF CHANGE – new role player in internal control system – an integrity manager or internal control coordinator INTEGRATED Risk Management – risk management combined with process management and integrity management TRAININGS, TRAININGS, TRAININGS for leaders and for every singe civil servant – we need to change the way of thinking and forming organisational culture