Chromebook Enrolment
Please Be Quiet & Follow The Instructions You are about to complete several important steps in order to setup your Chromebook. Please be quiet, follow the instructions and do not jump ahead.
Enterprise Enrolment Press CTRL + ALT + E. Your screen will change from the box on the left to the box on the right – Enterprise Enrolment.
Enter your school Email Address & Password Enter your school email address in the following format: Then enter your password.
Accept Terms & Conditions Scroll down to the bottom of the Terms & Conditions box and click Accept.
Finishing Enrolment Click Skip on the Device Information box. Then click DONE on the final box to complete the enrolment process.
Sign Into Your Chromebook You will now need to sign into your Chromebook. As before, enter your school email address in the following format: Then enter your password.
Set Your Profile Picture Next, you will be asked to set your profile picture. Please choose one from the right and click OK. You can change this later when you have more time.
Login To Office 365. You are now logged into your Chromebook and the Office 365 page will open. Login with your school email address and password.
Chromebook Home Page You will then see the Chromebook Home Page, where you will find links to online services that you can use on your Chromebook. There is also a Getting Started with your Chromebook guide on the left which you can read if you have any problems.
Add The School Printer Next click Change… At the top right, click the icon and then click Print… Next click Change…
Add The School Printer Click Accept to accept the shared school printer. Select Whole School Printing at the bottom.
How Does Printing Work? Whole School Printing works in the same way on the Chromebooks as it does on the school computers. It may also be possible to add your home printer – see the Getting Started with your Chromebook guide on the Chromebook Home Page.
Setting Up The Office Online App Click Cancel on the print window to return to the Chromebook Home Page. Next we will setup the Office Online app. At the top right, click the icon. Then click Sign in with a work or school account.
What Does The Office Online App Do? The Office Online app allows you quick access to Office apps and your documents stored in your OneDrive area. It can also automatically upload your files to your OneDrive area, that you download from websites. If the downloaded file is a Word, Excel or PowerPoint file, it will automatically open for you to edit. You will see the notification boxes like below. All uploaded files are stored in a folder called Office Online Extensions. You will be able to try this later today.
Student Chromebook Use Acceptance Form Please read and complete the Student Chromebook Use Acceptance Form. Hand this to a member of staff when you have finished.
Information Charge your Chromebook every night. The battery will last all day so you do not need to bring the charger into school. You will not be able to charge it in school if you have forgotten to charge it. The screen is fragile – do not pick up your Chromebook by the screen. Always pick it up from the base. You can also add a personal account to your Chromebook for home use. You must only use your school account when in school. Your Chromebook is now setup. In the next session you will be shown how to use it.