pages 42–47 QUESTION 10 Propose a Solution WEEK 11
Question 10
Question 10
TOEIC® Speaking Sample Test (2008) 1:17 Question 10
Basics Voice message The caller has a problem. YOU need to resolve it… You work for this company; Your job is to help with the problem. 1:17 Question 10
YOU WILL HEAR: Hi, this is Marsha Syms. I’m calling about my bank card. I went to the bank machine early this morning — you know — the ATM, because the bank was closed, so only the machine was open. Anyway, I put my card in the machine and got my money out, but then my card didn’t come out of the machine. I got my receipt and my money, but then my bank card just didn’t come out. And I’m leaving for my vacation tonight so I’m really going to need it. I had to get to work early this morning and couldn’t wait around for the bank to open. Could you call me here at work and let me know how to get my bank card back? I’m really busy today and really need you to call me soon. I can’t go on vacation without my bank card. This is Marsha Syms at 555-1234. Thanks. About 150 words Question 10
TOEIC® Hint You can’t take notes, so the test is helping you How??? By repeating information in the listening passage. Q10 is carefully designed to help you pay attention to the important information… to help you prepare your response. Question 10
TOEIC® Strategy Remember: You work for this company Good customer service Polite, helpful language 공손한; 세련된 Problem –solving skills Propose a quick and efficient solution with positive result Question 10
Good Customer Service Use polite language Apologize Use modals Please, Thank you “I’m terribly sorry about this …” “I apologize for the inconvenience …” Use modals “If you could come in …” “Would you…” Avoid threatening language Use formal language “Your problem …” “Ms. Syms, my name is …” Mr. / Mrs. “You made a mistake …” “It’s your fault…” DON’T attack DON’T blame the caller. “The machine probably malfunctioned…” Question 10
Good Customer Service Use comforting, acknowledging language “I would be happy to help you.” “Thank you for calling…” Give timeframes to resolve problem “We can solve this problem right away.” Give clear, positive solution “We will be happy to issue you a new card if we cannot recover the old one.” Question 10
Scoring Guidelines Question 10
Question 10
Practice! Record your response Listen to StudentA’s response Listen to StudentB’s response Listen to a sample response Compare 3 responses Learn from others’ responses Question 10
Question 10 Propose a Solution 00:00:00 00:01:00 20 21 19 16 22 17 18 RESPONSE TIME: 00:00:00 00:01:00 RESPONSE TIME: 20 21 19 16 22 17 18 26 27 28 15 25 24 23 11 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 12 13 29 10 08 09 14 33 51 52 50 49 47 48 53 54 59 00 58 57 55 56 46 45 36 37 35 34 31 32 38 39 43 44 42 41 40 30
Sample Response Listen 00:00:00 00:01:00 20 21 19 18 17 22 16 26 27 28 00:00:00 RESPONSE TIME: RESPONSE TIME: 00:01:00 20 21 19 18 17 22 16 26 27 28 15 25 24 23 11 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 12 13 29 10 08 09 14 33 51 52 50 49 47 48 53 54 59 00 58 57 55 56 30 46 36 37 35 34 31 32 45 38 43 44 39 42 41 40 Question 10
Another sample response Hello, Ms. Syms. This is Amy Kim from JS Bank. I got your message about your bank card that didn’t come out of the machine and I apologize for the inconvenience. It turned out that ATM didn’t work properly this morning at many bank branches and some customers of our bank experience the same problems. We are very sorry. I understand you need your bank card today to go on vacation, so we will send your card to you by express postal service. You will get your bank card back within four hours. Please let me know your address. Once again, we are very sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. 00:00:00 RESPONSE TIME: RESPONSE TIME: 00:01:00 20 21 19 18 17 22 16 26 27 28 15 25 24 23 11 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 12 13 29 10 08 09 14 33 51 52 50 49 47 48 53 54 59 00 58 57 55 56 30 46 36 37 35 34 31 32 45 38 43 44 39 42 41 40 Question 10
Progression of Ideas Organize your response Develop the information in a logical manner Solution Question 10
Duplicate or mirror what the caller says Progression of Ideas Introduce yourself Duplicate or mirror what the caller says Question 10
Duplicate or mirror what the caller says Progression of Ideas Address/acknowledge the problem I want to make sure I understand the situation: You were able to withdraw money from the ATM, but the machine… It sounds as if you need your ATM card as soon as possible… Duplicate or mirror what the caller says Question 10
Duplicate or mirror what the caller says Progression of Ideas Offer a solution or set of solutions AND a timeframe What I can do for you is offer an immediate replacement for your ATM card, and you can go to any local branch… Duplicate or mirror what the caller says Question 10
Duplicate or mirror what the caller says Progression of Ideas Give return information If you could call me back at ###-#### Again, my name is … Thank the customer/caller. Duplicate or mirror what the caller says Question 10
Don’t forget: The message should reveal right away what type of company you are dealing with. Note: You are an employee of the company Pay attention to the repeated ideas in the message Use a logical progression of information that addresses the problem, provides a solution(s) and a timeframe, and return information. Use good customer service. Question 10
Q10 recording Prepare and record your response with another student
End of semester schedule This week: Question 10 Next week: Q11 (last part of the TOEIC) Next, next: Q11 record; Quiz 2 Next, next, next: Exam schedule & information EXAM WEEK: 1) Speaking Test 2) Vocabulary Test last day!
Q10 – useful words & phrases QUIZ 2 AT THE END OF MAY Q10 – useful words & phrases Corporate Employer Employee Applicant Accounting Marketing Management Personnel Sales; H.R. Association Corporation Affiliated Incorporated/ Inc. Current Recent Minimum Overtime Salary Wage Pay Refreshments Facilities Promotion Browse Increase Oriental Potential Social Specialty department