Customer-Side Segmentation Duquesne Light Company Roger D. Colton April 27, 2000
Income Characteristics Fixed or variable “Extremely low” as defined in some fashion Subject to future increases (SSI, elder) Disruption of past income (divorce, death) Temporarily disrupted (unemployed) 11/18/2018
Energy Characteristics High heating bill High home energy bill Ability to control energy bill Dominion over energy bill 11/18/2018
Knowledge Characteristics Understanding & controlling home energy costs Alternatives to high cost choices (RTO) Accounting for energy in housing choice Available public assistance (EITC?) 11/18/2018
“Skills” Characteristics Household budget skills Household planning skills Eliminating crisis management focus “Soft” skills (communication) Job training 11/18/2018
Partnership Characteristics Recognize personal responsibility Help control usage Engages in appropriate communication Does not inappropriately “game system” 11/18/2018
Special Barriers to Overcome Overwhelming crises “Just stop the DNP” syndrome “You owe me” syndrome Reticence to take public assistance 11/18/2018
Customer Segmentation Summary Income Characteristics Energy Characteristics Knowledge Characteristics “Skills” Characteristics Partnership Characteristics Special Barriers to Overcome Not lifestyle choices (“live within means”) 11/18/2018
Customer Segmentation Summary Income Characteristics Energy Characteristics Knowledge Characteristics “Skills” Characteristics Partnership Characteristics Special Barriers to Overcome Not lifestyle choices (“live within means”) 11/18/2018
For more information: 11/18/2018