Partnership in Sustainable Island development TNO-Aruba OCT Energy Summit June 14-15 | René Hooiveld
capacity for Sustainable Island development – RTO-OCT partnership Sustainable Island Aruba 27 October 2015 capacity for Sustainable Island development – RTO-OCT partnership Sustainability transition is complex & multi-faceted Aruba recognized need to build local innovation capacity Partnership TNO launched 2011 Five years of successful innovation A regional center of expertise Contributing to developing Aruba’s knowledge economy Sustainable island transitions are complex and demand innovation to develop solutions that fit local needs. Islands due to their small scale have limited ability to develop significant innovation capacity. Yet, they offer unique research environments due the short feed-back mechanisms and often harsh climatic and isolated characteristics. This makes OCT’s a logical fit for research organisations interested in sustainable solutions. TNO and Aruba recognized this unique opportunity and have forged a successful and mutually beneficial partnership over the past five years. The knowledge and insights that have resulted from this partnership have not only benefitted Aruba, but have had a regional impact. For example, TNO has developed an energy vision for Bonaire and continues to assist the island in their energy planning as well as other areas such as sustainable wastewater management and waste management. We believe the model that we developed could be beneficial for other OCT’s to consider as they look to develop capacity for their sustainable development agenda.
energy transition is COMPLEx… Sustainable Island Aruba 27 October 2015 energy transition is COMPLEx… As you all know, energy transition is complex. Balancing a sustainable energy supply with the other goals of affordability and reliability continues to be a challenge within the currently available technology and cost. In addition, each island has a different starting point for its existing system and available resources that can be developed. These elements should all be factored in as you develop a solution that meets local needs.
Sustainable Island Aruba 27 October 2015 … and multi-faceted TECHNOLOGY REGULATORY ECONOMY SOCIAL the energy transition is also multi-faceted. It’s not just about technology. I would venture to say that the right enabling environment is perhaps even more important. This requires an understanding of how to organize a proper regulatory environment, create the right economic incentives and social acceptance. Sustainable transitions require both technological as well as social and business innovations.
Sustainable Island Aruba 27 October 2015 Triple Helix approach to achieve policy objectives Government To come to solutions it is important to have government, private sector and knowledges institutes work together in what we call the triple helix. It is the effective interaction between these areas where innovation turns into practical solutions. We find that TNO often can play a valuable role as an independent institute in bringing together the various stakeholders and facilitate the development of productive partnerships to address societal needs. Knowledge Institutes Private Sector
Titel van de presentatie 18-11-2018 14:27 Living Lab: Smart Community Aruba A Triple Helix Partnership Smart Community Aruba, is an example of this. This project aims to develop a living lab neighbourhood in which sustainable island solutions can be tested and demonstrated in a save environment. A broad set of partners has been brought together and are jointly investing with the objective to each move forward their research agenda. TNO supports in both an expert role as innovation manager as well as provides the capacity to manage a large and complex partnership as a neutral independent party. This is a unique project in the Caribbean and is expected to result in the development valuable knowledge for its partners.
RTO’s and OCT’s a natural fit Sustainable Island Aruba 27 October 2015 RTO’s and OCT’s a natural fit Islands have unique challenges and require local solutions Expertise and capacity a challenge to adapt solutions to local needs Island solutions offer valuable experience for scalable solutions RTO’s and OCT’s a natural fit to develop sustainable solutions and develop new knowledge in the process with mainland relevance. Based on our experience in Aruba, we believe that RTO’s and OCT’s are a natural fit. Titel van de presentatie 18-11-2018 14:27
HOW RTO’s can CONTRIBUTE Sustainable Island Aruba 27 October 2015 HOW RTO’s can CONTRIBUTE Roadmap development and transition planning Technical know-how and ability to develop local solutions Development of public-private partnerships Assist in securing and managing funding Local resource to assist on many sustainable development topics RTO’s can contribute to the sustainable island transitions in many ways. They bring technical expertise, experience in partnership development. They also have valuable networks and experience securing and managing complex funding resources. Last but not least, the local presence on Aruba has made a major contribution in increasing the local capacity to address sustainable development needs. It has offered an opportunity for a number of Aruban professionals to move back to the island and provide a valuable contribution to their island’s success.
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