Ana Marquez and Jim Henson Presenters Ana Marquez and Jim Henson
Hot Wheels®
STEM Science Technology Engineering Math
Redesign and retest again…. Scientific Method Concludes by accepting or rejecting the hypothesis and why the hypothesis is being accepted or rejected. Engineering Redesign and retest… Redesign and retest again….
Problem How does the angle of attack affect the speed of a Hot Wheels® car? Hypothesis If the angle of a Hot Wheels® track is increased then the time to reach the bottom of the track will change because the function of gravity acting on the car will change with the change of the angle.
Right Triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem
Experiment Materials: Meter Stick Hot Wheels® Car Hot Wheels® Track Chemistry Ring Stand Poster With Angles Stop Watch / Cell Phone Level Graph Paper
Procedure: Measure the length of the track (side c of the right triangle.) With the track at 10⁰: a. Using a stop watch/phone, time the trip of the car from the top to the bottom of the track. b. Record the data on a data table. c. Repeat steps a. and b. for three trials and log the data for each in the data table. d. Find the average time for the three trials and log in the data table. e. the track forms a right triangle with side a being the height, side b being the base and side c being the hypotenuse (track length). Using the meter stick and the level of side a and side b and record these values for this angle. With the track at 20⁰; repeat steps a. through e. With the track at 30⁰; repeat steps a. through e. With the track at 40⁰; repeat steps a. through e. Make sure a data table has been drawn. Draw a graph of the data table.
Analysis Questions 1. If speed is equal to distance dived by time (s = d/t), (using the average time measured for each angle.) a. Determine the speed at 10⁰. b. Determine the speed at 20⁰. c. Determine the speed at 30⁰. d. Determine the speed at 40⁰. e. Draw a Speed Vs Angle Graph. 2. Analyze/evaluate the change of speed at each angle. 3. Evaluate how this change of speed at each angle is related to the change of side a length. 4. Evaluate how this change of speed at each angle is related to the change of side b length. 5. Using Pythagorean Theorem, a² + b² = c², Do the measured values for sides a and b at each angle obey this equation?
Engineering Design a method for achieving a higher speed for the Hot Wheels® at each angle. Design 1: Design 2: Design 3: