Making Inference and Finding Support
Making Inferences Inference – educated guess Based on: Past Knowledge and the Reading Support - To “back up” your inference Creates less bias FIRES
Finding the Main Idea
Only chose one "who" or "what." Write this down on a sheet of paper. Step 1 After the story has been read find "who" or "what" the text was mainly about. Only chose one "who" or "what." Write this down on a sheet of paper.
Again, there will only be one important thing. Step 2 The second step identify the most important thing about the "who" or "what." Again, there will only be one important thing. Once you have the "who" or "what" and the most important thing about it, you have just found the main idea.
Try It “Florida Cell Phone” Article Is about _______________________ What’s important about that _______________________________ Poe Article “Poe’s Final Days” JFK Article “A Clear, Warm, Sunny Day in Dallas”