Kennedy’s Thousand Days Chapter 27 Section (1 &) 2 The New Frontier & the Great Society Riddlebarger
The Great Debates Legacy of this debate? Legacy of this debate?
Kennedy Becomes President Contrasting candidates JFK: from wealthy, political family in Massachusetts. Nixon: self-made from small town in S. California Same age but JFK creates image of youth: America’s future Nixon seen as the past: IKE’s VP
Kennedy’s Foreign Policy “What kind of peace do we seek? Not a [peace] enforced on the world by American weapons of war…not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women…For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” June 10, 1963 Programs to help poorer nations Peace Corps Trained and sent volunteers to Africa, Asia & Latin American nations 2 years service in advisory/aid roles Education, health care, agriculture Increased goodwill towards U.S. Continues build-up of weapons (w/flexibilty) 27.1
New Frontier JFK emphasized this with his “New Frontier” campaign Claims US is falling behind Soviets; poor not realizing US prosperity. Nixon defends IKE Catholic effect Election is one of closest in US history
1960 Election Results Harry Byrd wasn’t even on the ballot; Southern problem for JFK Electoral: JFK: 303 Nixon: 219 Byrd: 15 *less than 120,000 popular votes separate the candidates out of 69 million
Kennedy’s New Frontier: Image & Reality Use of media to portray image of young, active president Reality was lots of health issues. Young, beautiful wife and 2 young kids shape image. Jackie Kennedy Politically, JFK finds lots of opposition in Congress to his idea Was successful raising min. wage & helping poor areas.
Space Program Space program will come to symbolize New Frontier April 1961: Soviets put 1st man in space & orbits earth 1st satellite in orbit too: Sputnik Less than year later, U.S. responds with orbit of Earth: John Glenn Soviet leader says them beating us shows communist superiority
Kennedy’s Response US will put a man on the moon “This nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth. No single project …will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space…But in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon…it will be an entire nation.” - May 25, 1961 Kennedy’s Response US will put a man on the moon Funding for unmanned space exploration
The Warren Court During Kennedy presidency, a number of Supreme Court rulings shape American society Earl Warren, is Chief Justice of the Court Rulings extend individual rights & freedoms: Free lawyers for poor Search & seizure at local levels Religious freedom/sep. of church & state State district voting lines
The Kennedy Assassination As 1964 neared, JFK is thinking about his re-election Trying to build Southern support, he travels to Dallas, TX in November of 1963 He road through the city in an open motorcade.
Zapruder Film
Aftermath Kennedy was fatally wounded LBJ sworn in hours later Shocks the nation & the world Many will remember that moment for years. Lee Harvey Oswald arrested within hours Shot 2 days later by Jack Ruby
“The legacy of hope died with him “The legacy of hope died with him. You never had that same sense again that we were moving forward.” Helen Thomas: White House Press Correspondent
Warren Report Chief Justice Warren appointed to investigate Concluded no conspiracy; lone gunman Great efforts to build a lasting legacy for JFK Funeral; Burial at Arlington Kennedy had built better relations with Soviets and established the Peace Corps A program that trained and sent volunteers to poor nations to serve as educators, health care workers, agricultural advisors and other jobs. Much work still to be done at home but now up to LBJ.