Local Responses to Federal Immigration Policy Tino Gallegos Immigration Liaison Office of the City Manager City of San Antonio
Local Government has an interest in immigration policy Immigrants settle in urban areas and prefer living in the primary county of our large MSAs. The source of our new immigrant communities has become increasingly diverse Immigrants make significant contributions to the local economy
Immigrants are a significant percentage of the new population of the Big Four Texas MSAs From the Texas Demograpic Center, “Metropolitan Immigration in Texas”, accessible at: http://demographics.texas.gov/Resources/publications/2017/2017_11_14_UrbanTexas.pdf
Sources of Immigration are diverse
Economic Impact Source: https://www.newamericaneconomy.org/city/san-antonio/
Immigration integration at the local level is a national trend Local Government is in a good position to address immigrant integration Local Governments can experiment with different approaches to find what works Cities are an important voice in formulating national immigration policy.
Identifying best practices National coalitions of Cities/Local Governments (Cities for Action, Welcoming America) Civic Engagement and Strategic Planning Technical Expertise Programs (iSpeak Houston, Municipal ID, citizenship corners)
Common Challenges Language access Understanding U.S. institutions Acquiring Citizenship The Impact of Federal immigration enforcement Navigating eligibility for essential social services: health care, education.
The San Antonio Immigration Liaison Office Grassroots mobilization Reaction to Federal and State policy Immigration Enforcement DACA Refugee Resettlement Increased calls from constituents Prioritizing civic engagement: faith-based initiative, office of equity, office of neighborhoods, participatory budgeting process. The position was created as a budget item in 2017.
SAFE Cities Public-private partnership to fund a pilot program to provide universal representation to all San Antonio residents in removal (deportation) proceedings: http://www.sanantonio.gov/humanservices/ImmigrantServices Vera Institute of Justice: https://www.vera.org/
What Austin has already done Conducted a Welcoming Cities assessment: https://austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/EGRSO/WelcomingCityInitiativeFinalReport9_4_2015__1_.pdf Austin Commission on Immigration Affairs: http://www.austintexas.gov/coia Welcome to Austin Orientation Sessions: https://austintexas.gov/department/welcome-austin-orientation-sessions#overlay-context=department/welcome-austin-orientation-sessions