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Have you been eating chocolate? Have you been jogging? Have you been waiting for the bus a long time? Have you been skiing? Have you been eating chocolate? Have you been jogging? Have you been cleaning the house? Have you been sleeping?
has stolen? have been living have not slept have you been using have you been waiting have not slept have you been using have been painting have only finished have you been flying airplanes? books have you written? cakes have you made? have you been playing for the local team? have you been studying English?
To write a correct topic. To improve my English language. Studying, Researches, homework. To make a presentation. To make notes. To write a correct topic. To improve my English language. To read world news. I think both the internet and computers.
New Vocabulary 1. Their eyes got make-up. 2. Make-up was concocted with a mixture of lead and lead salts. 3. It was used to adorn the eyes and ward off evil!
1. It was concocted with a mixture of lead and lead salts. 2. It was used to adorn the eyes and ward off evil. 3. They believed that make-up had medicinal properties. 4. They observed the effect of lead chloride on a single cell. 5. Lead produces a molecule that activates the immune system to attack bacteria. 6. For thousands of years.
i c d e g j a b f
1. Yes, there are. We have people use lead for medical purposes. 2. People in dessert in my country use (Alghtrh) for protection. They cover their heads, nose and mouth. And wear sunglasses to protect their eyes.
A Few people in Saudi Arabia use this kind of car. An ancient Automobile was created by American Ford company it was used in 1948. in 1940, which was part of it made of wood, A Few people in Saudi Arabia use this kind of car. Because the main transports in the past were animals such as Camels, Donkeys and horses, So people wanted to have a new kind of transportation that should be easier, faster and more comfortable. It has completely changed. It become more developed than before. The Ford company will improve this kind of Automobile, so I think people are going to use the new developed one (car) in the future.
d e b a c to show a person what to do or how to do something. something that is worthless and easily destroyed. T F T F T
1. I think, my parents want me to be a doctor. 2. Yes, I do. I'll do the best to please them. I will take intensive English Courses. I will apply for a good job. 2021 I will have a certificate in order to enroll college. I will study Medicine. I will get married.
All Copy Rights © Reserved 2017 Prepared by. Khalid S. A. Al Shahrani All Copy Rights © Reserved 2017