Four Cornerstones of Creation Insert diagram “Set the Intention” and also second cornerstone Mod 4 Wk 16 Vid 1 © Jean Slatter
Awareness is Everything The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Awareness is Everything
Anatomy of the Energy Body The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Anatomy of the Energy Body
Four Cornerstones of Creation The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation © Jean Slatter Secret Power of Wants Do a Star Vision © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Energy flows in the path of least resistance © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path The majority of blocks will show up in the Minds of Consciousness © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Minds of Consciousness: For all states of mind, you want to ask yourself “Is this really my stuff?” Is this my truth? This is especially true for mass consciousness. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Minds of Consciousness: Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon (critical mass is reached) We are conditioned by the thoughts of mass consciousness © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Minds of Consciousness: It is believed that the majority of our beliefs are picked up in mass consciousness. The majority of beliefs are not your own. © Jean Slatter
Four Cornerstones of Creation The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation Clear the Path Mass Consciousness
Clear the Path Mass Consciousness: Your client needs to take a look at whatever belief they are holding and figure out if it’s really theirs. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Mass Consciousness: (video 11:36) Process with Laurie and Deborah about Mass Consciousness and beliefs (is the belief hers, and does she want to keep it?) Like a program running in the background on your computer that hasn’t yet been disabled. © Jean Slatter
Four Cornerstones of Creation © Jean Slatter The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation Clear the Path Subconscious Mind Mod 4 Wk 16 Vid 2 © Jean Slatter © Jean Slatter © Jean Slatter Clear the Path Subconscious Blocks: Although the subconscious can look like this dark and mysterious basin of unknown thoughts and beliefs, it’s not as intimidating as that. It might be as simple as, “If you want to know what is in your subconscious, look at your life.” © Jean Slatter © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Subconscious Blocks: The subconscious mind contains a vast network of information. We know this to be true but don’t always know what’s there until we look back on an experience to find that where we end up is not where we intended. © Jean Slatter © Jean Slatter Clear the Path Subconscious Blocks: By examining our actions and reactions, we learn from experience, which enables us to not only read our personal music but rewrite, reformat the holes, and restructure the metal pins on the drum of the player piano of the subconscious mind. This is how we create a new song that enables us to realize our full potential. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: The subconscious records emotional “charges” to all of our experiences. Imagine a balance scale in your subconscious with one side being a positive emotional charge and the other being a negative emotional charge. © Jean Slatter
about the Subconscious: © Jean Slatter Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: Any event or topic in our lives doesn’t even have meaning until we associate an emotional charge with it. For example, we may have had several experiences growing up concerning money that left a heavy weight on the negative side of the balance scale. Now as an adult you find you cannot attract money no matter how many positive affirmations you say. © Jean Slatter
about the Subconscious: © Jean Slatter Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: Once the subconscious mind is cleared, every positive affirmation said with emotion will have weight to tip the balance scale to the positive side. An event is just an event; it doesn’t mean anything until you attach an emotion to it. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: If something happens, and it was neither here nor there, you are in control of your emotions over that event. You can talk about it easily, and it was simply recorded as just an interesting event in your mind. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: Yet, when you’re talking about a past event that has a strong emotional charge, you might not have control over your reactions when faced with that memory. You can feel the tears welling up in your eyes; you can feel your face getting red; you’re shaking inside … © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: It’s always a willingness issue. How willing is your subconscious to do something? Your subconscious does not reason. You’re either willing or you’re not willing (with varying degrees of willingness) to do something. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: The subconscious is, in fact, a recording device that takes note of all your influential experiences. Any event that evokes emotion will be recorded in your subconscious. © Jean Slatter
about the Subconscious: © Jean Slatter Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: Whether your reaction is positive or negative, it gets logged into your memory bank, and whenever a similar situation arises, you will remember that same emotion. The subconscious is not doing a reasoning process; it’s not telling you if something is right or wrong or makes sense or not. © Jean Slatter
about the Subconscious: © Jean Slatter Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: The subconscious is simply recording how you react to any given experience in your life. So when you dowse and ask your subconscious, “How willing am I … ?” you are in fact asking your personal recording device to go back in time, find any emotional charges you might have and relate it to your current intention. © Jean Slatter
about the Subconscious: © Jean Slatter Clear the Path Things you need to know about the Subconscious: If you have no emotional charges in regards to your intention, then there should be no subconscious blocks. On the other hand, if you do have some adverse feelings toward any matter incorporated in your intention, you will undoubtedly have a subconscious block. © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing (write this word for word in your own handwriting): I state, “I ask my higher self to go through my subconscious mind and neutralize any negative emotional charges on experiences real or perceived to be real in this life, past or future, that are preventing me from being 100% willing on a subconscious level to ____________________________ . And if there is any void created, please fill with love and light.” © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing (Following is an explanation of what each phrase means and it’s importance to the dowsing program. Please refer to complete script – slide #17): “I ask my higher self …” “We don’t have the wisdom (our conscious mind doesn’t have the wisdom) to know what is in our “highest and greatest good.” But, our higher self does! © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing We can feel completely safe in doing the Subconscious clearing because we are asking the wisdom of our higher self. It will always be in your highest and greatest good. © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing (Continuing explanation of what each phrase means and it’s importance to the dowsing program. Please refer to complete script – slide #17): “ ... to go through my subconscious mind and neutralize any negative emotional charges ... ” We are moving the “toggle switch” to neutral. © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing (Continuing explanation of what each phrase means and it’s importance to the dowsing program. Please refer to complete script – slide #17): “ ... on experiences real or perceived to be real ... ” The subconscious doesn’t know the difference between something that really happened or something that you might have just seen in a movie ... ... or you had a dream that was so real. (that also gets recorded in your subconscious) © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing (Continuing explanation of what each phrase means and it’s importance to the dowsing program. Please refer to complete script – slide #17): “ … in this life, past or future … “ There may be past lives or even future lives affecting your subconscious beliefs in this life. © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing (Continuing explanation of what each phrase means and it’s importance to the dowsing program. Please refer to complete script – slide #17): “ … that are preventing me from being 100% willing on a subconscious level to … “ Look at your life. If something isn’t working the way that you want it and intend it to, you can bet there’s a subconscious block. Check: “What is my willingness level to … ” © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing If, after the clearing, your willingness level is not at 100%, remember you have your Higher Self governing all of this. Ask with your pendulum, “What else do I need to know to further clear this subconscious block?” Put an angelic committee on it! © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing (Continuing explanation of what each phrase means and it’s importance to the dowsing program. Please refer to complete script – slide #17): “ … in this life, past or future … “ There may be past lives or even future lives affecting your subconscious beliefs in this life. © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing (Continuing explanation of what each phrase means and it’s importance to the dowsing program. Please refer to complete script – slide #17): “ … and if there is any void created, please fill with love and light.“ The Universe abhors a void. Once you clear something out, you need to fill it with something else. Run the program. © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing The Steps: 1. Find out the exact vibration. (find the exact wording) Ask, “On a scale of 0-100 how close am I to having the exact wording?” Just like finding the exact line of code In the computer program to make the necessary change. Mod 4 Wk 16 Vid 3 © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing The Steps: 2. Dowse to see how willing the subconscious is. Prepare for the clearing. (spin the pendulum clockwise to run the program, asking that your Higher Self prepare you, or your client, for the subconscious clearing) © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing The Steps: Run the program. 5. Recheck willingness. © Jean Slatter
Subconscious Clearing Time on video: begins at 04:00 practice with Laurie & Deborah © Jean Slatter
Four Cornerstones of Creation The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation Clear the Path Conscious Mind Mod 4 Wk 16 Vid 4
Clear the Path Conscious Blocks: Defusing an Emotion. Can be both conscious and subconscious. Comes out of Neuro-linguistic Programming. Anchoring and Reframing. © Jean Slatter © Jean Slatter Clear the Path Conscious Blocks: Defusing an Emotion. You can use this method whenever you find a strong undesirable emotion is attached to a particular event and you would like to be free of its hold over you. This works whether the event happened years ago or in the last five minutes. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Conscious Blocks: Defusing an Emotion. Follow the steps below: 1. Identify the issue. 2. Pinpoint the emotional issue attached to the event. 3. Rate the intensity of the emotion on a scale of 1 to 10. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Conscious Blocks: Defusing an Emotion. Reframing and Anchoring Steps: #1 Anchor: Think of the emotional issue you’ve identified and place your left hand on your left knee. After a few seconds, remove the hand from the knee. © Jean Slatter
Reframing and Anchoring Steps: © Jean Slatter Clear the Path Conscious Blocks: Defusing an Emotion. Reframing and Anchoring Steps: #2 Reframe: Either recall a positive experience, visualize the sun shining on a meadow, or feel your connection to your higher power and place your right hand on your right knee. After a few seconds, remove the hand from the knee. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Conscious Blocks: Defusing an Emotion. Reframing and Anchoring Steps: #3. Think about nothing and place both hands back on both knees. #4. Remove the left hand. #5. Remove the right hand. #6. Reassess how strongly you feel about that emotional issue. (excellent examples of working with Laurie and Deborah 02:25) © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Conscious Blocks: Inputting a New Belief Reframing and Anchoring Steps: 1. Identify the issue. 2. Pinpoint the belief that is no longer serving you and write it down. 3. Next, think of the new belief you would prefer to adopt 4. Identify how intense the old belief is for you by assessing where it is on a scale of 1 to 10. © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path Conscious Blocks: Inputting a New Belief Reframing and Anchoring Steps: Go through and do the Reframing and Anchoring steps. Then, reassess how strongly you feel about this emotional issue. Keep doing this round after round until you reach a “0”. (practice 18:45) © Jean Slatter