Upper Limb Regions Shoulder Arm & Forearm Hand
Shoulder region Bones Joints Muscles Vessels & Nerves
Shoulder Osteology Clavicle Scapula Humerus
Clavicle Sup. S shape Latin clavis = key, old Roman key was S-shaped R. Sup Latin clavis = key, old Roman key was S-shaped
Clavicle Inf. Ligaments attachment Conoid: cone shape Right inf. 1st to ossify in uterus and last to fuse to sternum at 20-25 Conoid: cone shape
Clavicle Ant. Medial & lateral ends R. Ant. 1st to ossify in uterus and last to fuse to sternum at 20-25
Posterior Anterior korax = a crow Coracoid: Greek korax = a crow acromion: Greek akros = Hill (cf. Acropolis) =A raised area Posterior Anterior
Glene: Greek = socket acromion: Greek akros = Hill
Shoulder Separation
Ant. Lat.
Subacromial bursa Bursitis
Shoulder X-ray, AP projection 1, Clavicle. 2, Acromion. 3, Greater tubercle. 4, Lesser tubercle. 5, Neck of Humerus. 6, Humerus. 7, Coracoid Process. 8, Axillary border of scapula. 9, Rib.