Pomalidomide plus low-dose dexamethasone is active and well tolerated in bortezomib and lenalidomide–refractory multiple myeloma: Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome 2009-02 by Xavier Leleu, Michel Attal, Bertrand Arnulf, Philippe Moreau, Catherine Traulle, Gerald Marit, Claire Mathiot, Marie Odile Petillon, Margaret Macro, Murielle Roussel, Brigitte Pegourie, Brigitte Kolb, Anne Marie Stoppa, Bernadette Hennache, Sabine Bréchignac, Nathalie Meuleman, Beatrice Thielemans, Laurent Garderet, Bruno Royer, Cyrille Hulin, Lotfi Benboubker, Olivier Decaux, Martine Escoffre-Barbe, Mauricette Michallet, Denis Caillot, Jean Paul Fermand, Hervé Avet-Loiseau, and Thierry Facon Blood Volume 121(11):1968-1975 March 14, 2013 ©2013 by American Society of Hematology
IFM 2009-02 flow Diagram. IFM 2009-02 flow Diagram. Xavier Leleu et al. Blood 2013;121:1968-1975 ©2013 by American Society of Hematology
(A-C) Survival end points per 21 of 28-day arm (N = 43) and 28 of 28-day arm (N = 41); Kaplan-Meier estimates (ITT). (A-C) Survival end points per 21 of 28-day arm (N = 43) and 28 of 28-day arm (N = 41); Kaplan-Meier estimates (ITT). (A) Time to progression. (B) Progression-free survival. (C) Overall survival. (D-F) Survival end points in the entire population (N = 84); Kaplan-Meier estimates (ITT). (D) Comparison between TTP on protocol and TTP on last prior line for all patients included in the study and for responders only (patients with either CR or VGPR or PR as per IMWG). (E) TTP In responders versus nonresponders as per IMWG criteria (eg, patients with stable disease including minimal response [SD]). (F) Overall survival in responders versus SD. O/N, number of events/number of patients in the group. Xavier Leleu et al. Blood 2013;121:1968-1975 ©2013 by American Society of Hematology