Chapter 1: What is Multimedia? ITBIS351 Yaqoob Al-Slaise
What is Multimedia?
Defining Multimedia Multimedia is any combination of text, art, sound, animation, and video delivered to you by computer or other electronic or digitally manipulated means.
Interactive + Hyper Interactive Media: When you allow an end user (viewer) to control what and when the elements are delivered. Hypermedia: When you provide a structure of linked elements through which the user can navigate. (Websites and Multimedia CDs)
Linear + Non linear
Multimedia Developers Creating Multimedia Multimedia Developers A mixture of artists and software developers Multimedia Projects The software vehicle, the messages, and the content presented on a computer, television screen or smart phone Multimedia Titles If the project is to be shipped or sold to consumers or end users, typically delivered as a download on the Internet but also on a CD-ROM or DVD in a box or sleeve. Consumers The end user who uses and consumes the final product.
Authoring Tools Authoring tools are software designed to manage individual multimedia elements and provide user interaction. Examples: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Premiere, Encore, After Effects, Audition, Flash etc.) Autodesk (3dsmax, combustion)
Task: Multimedia is used in many settings in our daily lives, write down some uses of Multimedia in these areas: (10 minutes) Multimedia in Business Multimedia in Schools Multimedia in Public Places Multimedia at Home
Alexander Scribian 19th Century Russian Composer. Influenced by synesthesia, (a medical condition where a sensory stimulus, such as a color, evokes a false response, such as a smell) Developed the color organ which attributed colors to musical tones.
Color Organ
Virtual Reality (VR) Virtual reality (VR) is an extension of multimedia—and it uses the basic multimedia elements of imagery, sound, and animation. It requires instrumented feedback from a wired-up person VR is perhaps interactive multimedia at its fullest extension.
Delivering Multimedia Multimedia requires large amounts of digital storage.