Equipment Familiarization An Overview of New and Updated Equipment on Dive Unit 13
Overview Over the past few months, steps have been taken to streamline and standardize the equipment complement on Dive Unit 13. While this process is not complete, major changes have been made. These changes have been outlined in this presentation. Suggestions are always welcome!
SCUBA Life-Support System Several changes have been made to the SCUBA rig. These include a change of the alternate air source, weight system, and dry suit inflation hose.
Alternate Air Source The Alternate Air Source has been changed from an Octopus to a dual-purpose regulator/inflator. Function of the inflator remains the same. Keep in mind that the alternate regulator is now located on the left shoulder strap instead of the right. The Octopus has been removed completely.
Weight System The weight harnesses and weight pockets have been removed. Integrated weight pockets have been added to the BCD’s on the waist belt.
Weight System Each pouch weighs 8 LBS, totaling 16 LBS of weight that the diver may dump in case of emergency. One pouch fits on each side. To attach, slide pouch into pocket with flat side out (marked), connect buckle and Velcro. To remove, pull forcefully on orange handle.
Weight System Weight pouches are not to be kept in pockets attached to the BCD’s unless they are in use. Doing so will result in damage to the BCD and weight pockets. The pouches will be stored in the red/black bags, detailed later in this presentation
Weight System 16 LBS may not be enough for some divers while wearing a dry suit. Trim pockets have been placed on both sides of the lower tank band. Each pocket is able to hold up to 4 additional LBS, for a total of 8 LBS. This weight are NOT dumpable. The trim pockets will be loaded with 2 pounds on each side. Extra weight pouches will be kept in the red/black bag (detailed later)
Tether Method Because the weight harnesses have been removed, divers should utilize the quick release buckle located on the right shoulder strap to attach the search line. To removed, pull forcefully on the white lanyard. NOTE: DO NOT USE IN AN OVERHEAD ENVIRONMENT SUCH AS ICE! Utilize a locking carabiner to attach search line instead.
Dry Suit Inflation We have completed the transition to Dive Rite 905 Dry Suits. The rubber Viking Suits are no longer on Dive Unit 13. The Viking inflator hose has been removed, leaving only the Dive Rite inflator hose. (Shown in red)
Red & Black “GO” Bags Red & Black “GO” bags have been purchased and placed on the unit. The inventory currently contain 2 weigh pouches, spare weigh, a knife, strobe light, chem-lights with attachment clip, and 200’ of search line. This inventory has not been finalized and is subiect to change.
Red & Black “GO” Bags The GO bags have been placed in the middle compartment on the drivers side of the apparatus. A diver/tender team should deploy with a drysuit, SCUBA rig, fins with ankle weights, and a GO bag.
Fins The straps on all fins have been modified to spring straps. This will ease the donning and doffing while maintaining a secure but flexible fit. Fins may feel like they are not secure. This is normal as the springs are self-adjusting.
Streamlined and Standardized The purpose for these changes are to ease donning and doffing, achieve relative simplicity, and to reduce the level of stress on each diver so that they may be able to focus less on their equipment. This presentation is in no way, shape, or form replacement for hands-on familiarization or training. Please take time to look at this new equipment and setup in the near future.
Questions, Suggestions or Concerns Please direct any of the above to LT. Matthew Madairy in person or by email