Build to the Greco-Persian War Sparta and Athens Build to the Greco-Persian War
Spartan Society In the 1100’s BC Spartans conquered a group known as the helots and forced them to become their slaves Equals: Regular citizens descended from the initial conquerors. Half-Citizens: Farmers, paid taxes but could not vote and worked in the city Helots: Became a term to mean slave. They outnumbered the Spartans which promoted a military society
Spartan Government Two kings ruled Sparta One ran the country One ran the military Council of Elders: Group of 28 retired equals over the age of 60 Helped create the laws Acted as a court to determine fate Ephors: Equals over 30 years old Served one year terms Made sure king stayed within the law
Military life for kids At birth if you had any disability you were left to die outside At 7 boys were taken into boot camp until 20 Fought in military from 20-30 and was in the reserves until 60 Both boys and women gained an education but specific to their calling in life Downside included loss of individuality and rough military life
Athens Citizens: were full blooded Athenians and had rights Metics: Half-citizens paid taxes but no political rights since they were born outside of Athens. If they became broke they were sold into slavery Slaves: Almost all Greeks felt that slaves were necessary and natural Depending on their owner they could earn their freedom and become metics
Athens government Only land only men had full rights in society 9 archons served one year terms to help create laws Draco created a very strict law code in 621 bc Solon: Said people could not be sold into slavery because of debt and freed many slaves. Divided citizens into wealth groups and gave the richest right to government by election
Athenian government Cleisthenes: 507 BC created a democracy (rule by people) Divided citizens into 10 tribes Each chose 50 men who made council of 500 Each councilman served one year terms Created the first direct democracy Jurors helped determine guilt
Athens society Arranged marriage at 14 to men around 30 Women were inferior to men in society. They could not go in public alone and not to speak to husband’s associates. Role was to make babies At 6 a male slave called a Pedagogue would begin to tutor males. Women stayed at home and did not gain an education Studied reading, writing, rhetoric, philosophy, history, physical education etc.
Battle of marathon 490 BC Vid in class
Battle of Thermopylae 480 BC Persians vs Sparta
Battle of Salamis Persia vs Athens