Track Safety Alliance Rail LIVE 2016 Prize Draw The TSA will have a stand at Rail Live on June 22/23rd to promote the good work we all do as a collaborative alliance One of the ideas we had at the recent 'TSA Comms' meeting was to have a prize draw at the event to encourage workers to sign up to receive our newsletter and like/follow our social media sites etc. If a worker signs up on the day, their name will be entered into a hat to receive a prize. With that in mind, we are asking if members would like to make a modest prize donation to the TSA prize draw. There has already been some interest in this, with several prizes being donated; please donate what you feel you are able to. We need to do all we can to ensure our message gets to as many people as possible and this is a great way to encourage growth. We are unable to accept cash prizes but a voucher or similar would be acceptable. This is not compulsory and there is no obligation to contribute. If you are able to help then please contact Adrian Fricker. If you are not in a position to contribute this will in no way affect your membership to the Track Safety Alliance.