Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission Edithvale & Bonbeach Level Crossing Removals Environmental Effects Statement NSRFL Response (No Sky Rail: Frankston Line) Community Association No: A0095560C Part E: Summary No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Chapter Introduction In this section of our presentation, we bring together all the other sections of our presentation and link these to the EES panel hearings over the past two weeks. Section Title Duration Contents Chapter A Introduction 20 mins Introduces NSRFL presentation on the EES on the Edithvale and Bonbeach Level Crossing Removals. Chapter B Methodology NSRFL response to the EES statement, reviewing its Methodology and Approach. Chapter C Rebuttals Reviews pro-Sky Rail submissions and other anti-Rail Under Road position taken by a small number of people Chapter D Community View 30 mins Community views of a Rail Under Road solution. This shows you want the community actually would like to see. Chapter E Summary Brings together all sections of our presentation. Links these to the EES panel hearings over the past two weeks. Chapter F Publicity Material Appendix of supplementary and supporting material. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
NSRFL – a real community group No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
NSRFL = not aligned with ANYONE NSRFL was not initiated by the opposition political party as some people believe We do not have a political position We do not support, or campaign against, or for any political party, or any specific politician, at either the federal, state, or local government level. We fund ourselves Everything we have done, from the very first leaflet I printed at Officeworks two-and-a-half years ago, to the printing of the presentations in your hands today, has been produced and PAID for by our group No political donations No government grants No funding from other groups No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission NSRFL = the Residents! NSRFL is the only group to actually represent the community on this issue We are a single-purpose group with the sole intent of preventing elevated rail on the Frankston Line No other group has the express aim of speaking up for the residents on this issue No other group has canvassed public opinion like we have No other group has communicated with residents to the extent and breadth that we have No other group can actually say they represent the community on this issue Most other groups have other agendas and this is just another issue for them We exist because of this issue, and this issue alone. And we have 3,000 active supporters who have joined us for this very same reason. So its about time, that we – the actual residents who live in these suburbs – next to this railway line, finally get a say in what is done with our community! No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission How we work We are open to everyone All our material is available on line Dozens of Files on our Facebook page and our website We are made up of everyday residents who actually live in the local community We have done the hard yards 36 Committee meetings over two and half years, and counting We have only one agenda… to stop Sky Rail We do not answer to anyone else or for any other cause No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
NSRFL is just the catalyst We didn’t invent opposition to elevated rail! It existed in the community before us and despite us We simply provided an outlet for the community to get its voice heard For once, the community had an avenue to express its opinion And it did… vociferously as evidenced by the thousands of responses we have had And the general feeling across Melbourne is that no one wants elevated rail if there is a alternative And there is an alternative… and a very viable alternative at that. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Other Rail Under Road groups There are many groups fighting against elevated rail (Not under one umbrella. Genuine community groups) Below is a listing of single-purpose anti-Sky Rail groups No Sky Rail: Frankston Line No Sky Rails Seaford Action Team Willicrossing (Williamstown) x 2 Bonbeach & Edithvale Action Team North-East suburbs Group Carrum Action Team Alphington & Fairfield Rail Under Road Frankston Action Team Communities Against Sky Rail Lilydale anti-Sky Rail group No Sky Rail Carrum No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Getting the balance right! No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Wetlands Protection = Management! The experts have shown no impact on the Wetlands Any environmental concerns at all are “Minor” or “Negligible” Regardless, any “potential” impact down the track can be managed The Wetlands are artificially managed now. And this can continue to be done in the future The bottom line is, the Wetlands are in the middle of a major urban area. As has been pointed out, the Wetlands have been impacted by human development in the past, yet continue to endure. We propose that this can continue quite successfully well into the future. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission “Cost” of Maintenance There has been some comment about the cost of servicing the horizontal drain Every infrastructure project needs to be maintained… this requires effort and expense This will hold true for the replacement for the Level Crossings, whether it is elevated or Rail Under Road. But it will be money well spent. Just as the money that is currently spent maintaining the Wetlands – which need constant maintenance – is money well spent. If you can expend effort and money maintaining the Wetlands, why not do the same for the passive drain should the need arise. And just as the Wetlands management has continued over time, so too can the same be done for the maintenance of the horizontal drain over the coming years And this is our money. We, the residents, should be able to determine how our taxes are spent. And in this instance we want it spent on maintaining the horizontal drain – and for the continued preservation of the Wetlands – should either be required! No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Local concerns continually discounted We have heard about “many elevated rails around Melbourne” Yes, there are many, and I don’t hear anyone saying they are a great addition to the landscape Many are not well maintained and have become eyesores in their communities Just because we got it wrong in the past, does not mean we should deliberately make the same mistake again. “Notwithstanding local residents concerns, the long-term effect is much bigger” This discounts the very real and valid concerns of the local community. We talk about mitigate the environment… what about residents? How will they mitigate the loss of amenity to local residents? The increased noise from elevated rail The overshadowing No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission Loss of vegetation The vegetation along the railway line This is very poor quality vegetation. No decent flora No fauna to speak of This IS “zero” value vegetation They are an ugly eyesore at the very best! Will be removed regardless of which option is chosen, and hopefully, replaced by better vegetation The project gives us an opportunity to improve on this much discarded and maligned component of the railway corridor. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Power Poles = a red herring We heard about power poles yesterday… This is NOT an issue There are power poles on both sides of Station St, and Nepean Highway. As well as the overhead railway gantries and railway electrification The air space above these roads are cluttered and an eyesore The placement of the railway in a trench will actually improve this by removing one set of wiring. I live on Station St, and the last thing I am concerned about is which side of the road the power poles are on! No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Transport Objectives of the Project A quick word about the Transport Objectives “Connectivity” We heard about connectivity across railway line The fear is that this will be reduced by a trench. Lets just consider this for a moment…. Both Edithvale and Bonbeach crossings are bordered by Nepean Highway …. and Station St … that’s six lanes of traffic – including a major highway, and an arterial road So just how will “connectivity” change with elevated rail? Or more to the point, how will “connectivity” be reduced by a trench? Unless we condone jay-walking, how do you increase connectivity when you have two major roads to cross? Bicycling Tracks Another furphy doing the rounds is the increase in cycling tracks We already have a recreational bicycle track alongside the wetlands Why would mums and dads want to ride under a railway line when they can enjoy the wetlands as they ride. And the weekend warriors won’t use a cycling track anyway.. They prefer riding on the roads. Any cycling tracks under elevated rail will be short and disjointed This is not what we need. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission Community Process “How best to involve the community” I was somewhat taken aback by the John Stone’s suggestion that the community does not know how good elevated rail is because we have not been shown just how good it can be. “Best way is to visualise what is proposed” But we did not need to visualise this We saw it first hand…. A la Dandenong line! Just look at the devastation on that line… Indeed this was far worse than the false artist impressions from the LXRA This is very different to what Ian Woodcock and John Stone have visualised in their RMIT work That was very fanciful design work done by an academic in their other-worldly ivory tower far removed from the communities that have to live with the actual end result So we fully understand what we are looking at with elevated rail, and its awful to say the least. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission Photo of CD 9 This is what elevated rail would look like This is very different to the LXRA’s artist impressions, or the work of our esteemed RMIT experts who presented yesterday No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A What do we want? No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Urban Design – what we worry about Visual Impact Upkeep of vegetation Don’t want massive infrastructure project in our community Removal of rubbish Parking Want this added under the Urban Design Framework EPR UD 1 Same as before, or more Graffiti Support KCC council request to amend UD1 to include: Less opportunity for graffiti “J. Vegetation Replacement as a Design and Development component” Rubbish Less opportunity to dump rubbish (under elevated rail) Grafitti (EPR) Assign responsibility of graffiti removal No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
EES Methodology Outcomes Concerns about Visual Concrete This data set needs to be increased and updated as a the project proceeds through design, construction and operation We have shown what our members want to hide this concrete Kingston Residents Association “Expert Witness” EPRs Discard this evidence as he is not qualified to speak on the topics he has chosen to discuss. Want them made public This will help to win public confidence back to the project Key Result Areas GHD Report Should be reported publicly Risks Was Feb 2017… 16 months later the EES debunked the concerns in that report Treatment of risks against known standards = support this Would like this made public. Hydrology No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission