Nonverbal Communication
Body Basics Careful observation helps us to learn more about people than listening alone A great deal of information can be gleaned from even a simple photo
Nonverbals can carry different meaning from culture to culture Understanding nonverbal signals can help us to realize how others react to us Whether or not someone is listening, interested, etc. Nonverbals can carry different meaning from culture to culture What is a positive sign in one country can be an insult in another. Your physical actions can either reinforce or contradict what you say When giving a speech, if you avoid eye contact, rock on your heals, lean on the podium, etc., you show your audience that you are nervous.
Body Language Definition: the way we use our body to send messages Body language often wins out over verbal instructions. People remember more of what they see rather than what they hear. We tend to believe people more if their body language matches what they are saying.
Facial expressions give away emotions that aren’t outright stated. Ex. Raised voice when angry, raised eyebrows in disbelief, etc. The face is capable of 250,000 expressions! Unlike verbal communication, body language happens constantly.
Reading Body Language Positive Body Language: Relaxed posture, uncrossed arms Good eye contact – but don’t be creepy Nod in agreement – just not too often Smile at humor Lean in closer – again, not creepy close Use gestures All of these things must be done in moderation or they become negative rather than positive.
Negative Body Language: Body tension – discomfort Arms folded – resistance Speaking with your hand near your mouth – unsure of their ideas Fidgeting – bored, nervous, impatient Yawning – bored or lost Careful, many of these signs are caused simply by nervousness; use your judgment
Using Body Language Effectively Body language displays how one is feeling, but changing body language can also impact the way one feels. For example, simply smiling more can have a positive impact on your mood. You look and feel better by using more positive body language. Body language is contagious!
Interpreting Nonverbal Messages Reading body language becomes complicated because people often contradict their verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Ex. Someone saying they aren’t mad when their face is red and they are yelling. We adjust our actions to mask our true feelings, but the performance is rarely perfect. Can see through this by watching nonverbals, considering the person’s normal behaviors, and remembering that only one signal means nothing – you need several to draw conclusions.
Facial Expressions The face is the most noticed of all nonverbals. Even babies focus in on faces. Six core emotions are displayed on our faces: Surprise Fear Anger Disgust Happiness Sadness These provide the basis for every facial expression, but can be blended together.
We change facial expressions rapidly, often to hide our emotions. Some expressions only last a few hundredths of a second, so you must be a keen observer to notice. Facial expression is the easiest nonverbal signal to disguise, so be careful when watching faces.
Tone of Voice The pitch and tone of a speaker’s voice provide information beyond their words. One word can have several different meanings depending on the tone used Try saying the word “Oh.” in several different ways. Pauses and Rhythms are also telling. People tend to talk faster when they are nervous or excited – or when they are trying to sell us something. Talk slower when depressed or tired.
Be a Human Lie-Detector Don’t watch the face! Remember than facial expression can be deceptive since it is the easiest to control. Instead, watch posture because it is done unconsciously. Good signals: Decreased hand activity – people think their hands will give them away, so they stop using them Increased face touching – tend to do this more in times of stress Stiff and rigid posture – movements less fluid Increased body shifting – seeming restless, try to move on to something else