School Performance Plan (SPP) Kick Off


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Presentation transcript:

School Performance Plan (SPP) Kick Off CLN Meetings January 17-19, 2018 Theresa Jones, Chief Achievement and Accountability Officer Office of Achievement and Accountability Heather Nolan, Director Knowledge Management Office of Achievement and Accountability

Agenda We will develop a common understanding of the purpose and phases for developing a school’s strategic plan by the start of school year 2018-19 Session Outcome Activities Orientation to the purpose of the School Performance Plan (SPP) Walk through SY 1819 SPP timeline Review phases and the template for completing the SPP by start of school year 2018-19 Walk through SPP Guidance for supporting completion of SPP by start of school year 2018-19 Ice breaker idea: Ask by show of hand, how many have felt the spp process from year’s prior disjointed from everything else that goes on in the school district? Ask by show of hand, how many think strategic planning for their school AND documenting the strategic plan is important? How many think that if timelines were to align better, that the SPP could be more authentic and represent what actually is going on and needs to go on in the school?

Principle 1 Principle 2 Principle 3 SPP Principles The SPP should serve as a year-round anchor, informing strategic academic planning and deployment of school resources Principle 1 The SPP will incorporate district-level strategic planning across offices; other district planning (climate/culture, budget planning docs, etc.) should “funnel” into the SPP Principle 2 School leaders must include family engagement in SPP planning and implementation (per ESSA requirement) Principle 3 Facilitator note: The SPP tool serves as the place to document the schools’ goals and strategies for the upcoming year. We recognize and believe that smart strategic planning that involves the community and is in line with the school’s thinking about their people, time and resources, makes a school stronger and more likely to implement to fidelity their action steps in support of meeting their goals We also recognize that the district is rolling out new details about strategic initiatives aligned to the Blueprint , and offices are rolling out their guidance as schools begin to complete the school budget process As such, we see this as the “START” of a school’s strategic planning for sy 1819, knowing that the details may be identified more in the spring/summer of 2019, but should definitely be in place prior to the start of the school year in order to ground everyone at the school.

SY1819 SPP Timeline Jan Feb Mar Apr June Summer Fall 2018 Phase 1: School SPP development – Goals, Strategies, including positions, funding sources and amounts Phase 2: School SPP development – Action steps aligned to strategies, completion of partnership, family/community engagement Jan Feb Mar Apr June Summer Fall 2018 Phase 3: SPPs capture changes as part of enrollment adjustments; SPPs approved Mid-Late February: Principals upload SPP draft; District (ILED, Networks, OAA) review and give feedback on SPP CLN meetings - Principals refer back to and make iterations to SPP July – August: Principals make updates and complete all components of SPP SPP release CLN week (1/16) September – mid October: Revised SPPs approved Facilitator’s notes Focus the content hear on an earlier start time with components of the SPP template being completed, while other components being completed in the spring, summer and finalized at the start of the school year We believe that with an earlier start time for strategic budgeting, and with a more streamlined tool and timeline that takes into account other priorities at the district and school, level, the SPP principles laid out in the prior slide will more readily achieved. The top shows the SPP activities organized in 3 phases which we’ll get into more detail shortly; the bottom of the calendar shows other activities occurring during this time that play a part in the development and reinforcement of the spp process Back to School Night Teacher’s return; orientation; prep for start of school School budget planning, development, approval SY 17-18 ends; end of year conversations Enrollment Adjustments School community budget forum meetings

SY 1819 SPP Phases Phase 1 January – February 2018 Phase 2 SPP components in support of school budgeting completed: articulate mission, vision of school; analyze data to identify prioritized areas of needs; identify goals and strategies Phase 1 January – February 2018 All components of SPP completed including action steps aligned to strategies; identify partnerships, family community engagement aligned to goals. Phase 2 Spring- Summer 2018 Make updates to SPP reflecting continuous involvement and feedback from school community; accounts for school budget adjustments based on enrollment; strategies and goals implemented for SY 18-19. Phase 3 Fall 2018 Facilitator note: Walk through high level of SY 1819 SPP phases so principals understand this to be an iterative process Focus of this session is to go through Phase 1

SY 1819 SPP Tool Phase 1 Section Guidance Mission and Vision Statement City Schools’ mission, vision included as resource School statement should reflect school’s guiding principles Serves as foundation to SPP and school budget process Identification of Prioritized Areas of Need School’s SY 1617 SPP reflection pre-populated as resource School community conducts a root-cause analyses to determine areas of prioritized need SY 16-17 summative data; SY 17-18 formative data Prioritized areas of need must be identified for literacy, math, student wholeness, college and career readiness Identification of Goals and Strategies SMART goal for literacy, math, student wholeness developed which should address prioritized area of need for section. College and career readiness goal required for high schools; AND required for K-8 programs IF their plan is to NOT higher a school counselor for SY 1819 Up to 3 evidence-based strategies can be identified Appendix provides example SMART goals and evidence-based strategies. Staff position titles for those responsible for leading strategy implementation should be identified Funding source and amount if applicable should be identified (this will serve as a resource during budget collaborative in justifying allocation of resource. Facilitator’s note: This serves as a cheat sheet to orient you and school leaders to the components of the template and the corresponding guidance. You can use this time to have them look at the template and guidance side by side . Spend time talking about what data they would use for the root cause analyses Get a show of hands as to who needs support in conducting a root cause analyses and potentially ask them to sign up for support (Chief of Schools and OAA should discuss then how to support them through this proces) Walk through the appendix of the guidance that gives goals and strategies examples Have them go through what other strategies they are considering that may not be listed

Next Steps SPP template and guidance available on Doc-Tracking system Contact Sean Hall ( with issues with log in Principals think through steps for involving community in conducting needs assessment and development goals/strategies Principals, then, engage community Principals upload Phase 1 by mid-February for feedback and to inform SY 1819 school budget process

Director, Knowledge Management Sean Hall K. Heather Nolan Director, Knowledge Management Sean Hall Data Specialist, Knowledge Management


Changes to SPP template Item Before SY 18-19 Goals Math, Literacy, Climate and Culture Goals, CCR HS Only Math, Literacy, Student Wholeness, CCR Goal Strategies DDIT Aligned Strategies in five categories. Unlimited number of strategies. Schools must have at least one strategy per goal, but no more than three strategies per goal. FCE Plan Separate Section Component incorporated into each goal Sections Removed: Inquiry, SER, Prioritized Strength Added: Partnership, Budget, Action Plans for each strategy Optional – ILED may decide to move this up in the purpose / process section to talk about the updates to the plan Facilitator note: Purpose of revising the template was to make more streamlined; to support the discussion about budget and staff; to serve as primary tool for documenting federal and local requirements (e.g., ESSA, Comar, Board policies) Overall length decreased from 24 pages to ~18.

District Support to Schools District Support Role Development Approval OAA Sean Hall Provides technical assistance on SPP and online tool When requested, support analysis of data, identification of priorities, establishment of goals Tracks and monitors approval rates When requested, provide feedback and support to schools around SMART goals during the approval process ILED Support analysis of data, identification of priorities, establishment of goals and strategies Uses time during CLN meetings to review, discuss, and revise SPPs among principals Approve a school’s SPP Network staff (Academic Content Liaisons, School Support Liaisons) Provides written feedback and support for academic and student wholeness goals and strategies Proposed feedback within Doc-Tracking FCE (Your FCE Specialist) Provides written feedback and support of partnership and family engagement component; completion of family community engagement plan Proposes feedback captured within Doc-Tracking Data Monitoring and Compliance office Provide written feedback and support for making revisions to the federally funded plans (e.g., Title l plan)…forthcoming. Proposed feedback captured within Doc-Tracking; Approve Title I plans