RYE District 9685 Sexual harassment Briefing By Ngaire ralph and Laura Downs Tuck
What does Rotary international say? Rotary International Statement of Conduct for Working With Youth: “Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses and partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people they come into contact with and protect them from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.” -Rotary Youth Protection Guide
What is Abuse and harassment? Abuse and harassment refers to any form of harmful treatment whether it is sexual, emotional or physical.
Sexual harassment: What is it? There are 4 different types of sexual harassment: Verbal Non-verbal Physical Visual
Verbal Consists of verbal comments that are sexual in nature, including: Speech and conversation Jokes Innuendos Inappropriate comments
Non-verbal This involves the use of inappropriate body language and actions, including: Staring at people’s anatomy Sexual gestures made with hands or body movements Invading someone’s personal space Giving gifts of a sexual nature Making facial expressions such as winking and blowing kisses
Physical harassment Unsolicited or unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature, including: Assault Impeding or blocking movement Touching, patting, grabbing, brushing against, or poking another person’s body Touching a persons clothing, hair or body Exposing one’s self
visual This involves being exposed to visual content of a sexual nature, including: Derogatory posters, signs, cartoons or drawings Displaying sexual pictures, writing or objects Obscene letters or invitations Unwanted love letters or notes Sexually oriented emails or texts
It is not okay for someone to make you feel uncomfortable
So, What do you do if you experience any sexual harassment during your exchange year?
SOME TIPS ON HOW TO STAY SAFE If you are feeling uncomfortable- tell someone; Ensure your host parents/ club counsellor knows where you are- who you are with and when you will be home. Ensure you have their contact details in your phone; Avoid going places alone with people you are unfamiliar with; Confidence and strong body language; Stop the harassment before it starts; Dress and behave sensibly- be aware of local codes and customs.
WHO CAN YOU SPEAK TO? IN ROTARY Your host parents; Your Club Counsellor in your host country; Club President; Your District Coordinator; Your District 9685 Country Coordinator. OUTSIDE ROTARY Police School Counsellor
REMEMBER… Your exchange year is a time to learn, experience a new culture and grow as a person! You have a very strong network of support in Rotary should you need it. Most of all… IT WILL BE THE BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE!