my school zš A MŠ, Brno, horníkova 1 Marta Přichystalová, 6.V
Name and location of the school My school‘s name is Základní škola a mateřská škola, Brno, Horníkova 1 (Primary and nursery school, Brno, Horníkova 1). It is situated in Líšeň, the city part on the north-east edge of Brno, the centre of the South Moravia and the second largest city in the Czech republic.
Type of school, age of children It is a modern school directed at general education. It is the holder of the title Eco-school. It is for children from 6/7 to 15/16 years. The school includs also nursery school, so children from 3 to 6/7 years go there too.
School area primary school nursery school playground school gym school canteen school garden athletic stadium
School parliament Horníci The student‘s parliament works in the school. It is composed of elected representatives of classes. Members suggest various improvements and they organize various school actions and projects, for example the school disco, the Halloween‘s path of courage, the competition for the best pumpkin, craft fairs, ...
After school Activities There are many after school activities in this school. Students could sing in the school choir Pavouček (Little Spider), create the things from the clay, do sports in the gymnastic and athletic clubs, learn to play various musical instruments in the musical school YAMAHA, ...
MY CLASS I go to class 6.V. There are 15 students together with me (5 girls and 10 boys). The lessons start at 8 a.m. and finish at 1:30 p.m. After that I have lunch. My favourite school subject is the Art.
If you want to know more about my school, visit its website: