Regional Health Working Group Report 10th Annual South-East Asia Red Cross Red Crescent Leaders Meeting 2013
Regional health programme focus 1. Community Based Health and First Aid (CBHFA) 2. Emergency Health/WatSan 3. HIV and AIDS 4. Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation (VNRBD) 5. Coordination and Collaboration CBHFA: including NCDs
1. CBHFA Community Based Health First Aid (CBHFA) 2012 Global mapping completed AP zone CBHFA Workshop, October 2012, Cambodia Noncommunicable disease (NCD) module in final stage of development (Global NCD workshop, April, 2013, KL) Piloting NCD in one South-East Asian country AP zone CBHFA workshop: Share updates, case studies and lessons learnt in implementation of CBHFA and use of CBHFA PMER tools from NSs, other regions and globally. Learn from integrated CBHFA projects how to harmonise community based tools. . The main recommendations concern the roll-out of noncommunicable disease aspects within CBHFA, developing PMER tools and sustainability. Pilot will be in Indonesia
2. Emergency Health and Wat/San Roll out of Epidemic Control for Volunteer (ECV) at country level (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand in 2013) Hand, Foot, Mouth disease outbreak response in Vietnam Avian Influenza coordination in Cambodia Road Safety Case Study ( from Cambodia Red Cross) HFMD: 2011: 112,370 infected cases including 162 deaths. By Oct 2012: about 117,000 infected cases including 42 deaths. 2011: outbreak response fund via DREF. 2012: an appeal was made in April for 09-month operation due to prolonger outbreak Reached 295,872 beneficiaries. Final evaluation still working on. Road Safety: CRC Road safety programme - promote helmet wearing to become common practice among young people; increase young people’s active participation in promoting road safety through school based road safety campaigns and role model ; CRC has integrated road safety project with Cambodian Initiative for disability inclusion. Making youth with disabilities as active participant rather than beneficiaries. Helmet wearing survey 2005 – 15% wearing helmat and 2011 – 85% wearing helmet
3. HIV/AIDS HIV programme regional mapping completed Harm Reduction Workshop (Jan, 2013, Laos) in collaboration with Italian Red Cross and Villa Maraini Asian Red Cross and Red Crescent HIV/AIDS Network (ART) 24th Annual meeting (January 2013, Lao PDR) International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP), November 2013, Bangkok Events around World AIDS Day 24th Annual ART meeting: ART operational Plan 2013 – 2015 is in its final stage, ART membercommitted to keep the network more focused and relevant. So during the meeting, they drafted the commitment statement to the leadership which states - building capacity of the ART Members, staff, volunteers and youths; introduce the psychosocial support program (PSS) to the ART Network besides integrating TB into HIV program; continue the advocacy for quality of life of the most valuable population by developing strategic partnership with the Network of PLHIV, RCRC+ and ART network strongly need the recognition and support from all levels of the leadership of member’s NS, the Federation and other key stakeholders. ICAAP: Going to be held in Bangkok. IFRC and Thai Red Cross are working in close coordination to to ensure proper representation of RCRC NSs.
4. Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation VNRBD workshop, Dec, 2012, Nepal (with East Asia and South Asia) 7 NSs in SEA but in 2012 PMI didn’t participate. In the workshop best practises and lessons learned on VNRBD shared, enhancing the capacity in maintaining a stable pool of blood donors during the emergencies; visiting Nepal red cross blood services.
5. Coordination and Collaboration Internal – Contributing to integration Disaster Risk reduction Field Sessions Thematic seminars (integration and Response preparedness) External - Enhancing partnership World Health Organization (WHO): Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with WHO, the South-East Asia Regional Delegation (SEARD) and WPRO, various workshops and meetings ASEAN: Slowly developing the relationship Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC): Mental Health and Psychosocial support in emergency Asian Development Bank (ADB): Asian Water Week Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre: Climate change adaptation 4 DRR Field session in Southeast Asia (Lao, Thailand, Timor and Myanmar)- 10 days training including 3 days of field work. It aims to multi-sectoral assessment and cross sectoral planning To facilitate the integration between DM, Health and OD, 4 thematic seminar held in Laos, Myanmar, Timor Leste and Cambodia. DM and Health department participated and discussed on the best model of integration in NSs context.
Opportunities and Challenges… Regional Health Working Group will serve as a platform to collate and consolidate all health related activities for better impact Regional Health Working Group (RHWG) will work in conjunction with Regional Management Committee Meeting (RDMC) and contribute to community resilience Challenges: Communication (towards two way) More initiative/proactivness by/for NSs members Opportunity for RHWG members to provide more information about their efforts at their respective National Level as well as information about NS to NS information/expertise exchange/sharing. For this Road Map is required
Knowledge and Information Management Work in progress Maintaining and updating the online library consistently Collecting, collating health and care information for the Community Safety and Resilience Unit Assisting with case studies How it will benefit the region Case studies to capture lessons Online library for institutional memory Case studies: HIV for ICAAP, ECV, Lao Blood programme are on board…