MDCPS’ Division of Social Sciences Using Data to Drive Instruction How to use an item analysis effectively?
What are the District and State Required tests for my course What are the District and State Required tests for my course? What other District Developed Assessment Opportunities Exist? Refer to the District’s testing calendar for the required assessments. Refer to the Division of Social Sciences website:, for the 7th grade and 11th grade EOC Checklist. There are multiple assessments available through EduSoft for both 7th grade Civics and 1th grade U.S. History. The checklists have all the pertinent information. References: MDCPS Testing Calendar Division of Social Sciences Website- EOC Checklists
What is an Item Analysis. Why do an Item Analysis What is an Item Analysis? Why do an Item Analysis? What documents help me conduct an item analysis? An item analysis is basically a look at what choices students choice per question item and deciphering why they may have chosen the incorrect answer. Also, the item analysis reveals the reliability and the validity of assessment items. Conducting an item analysis can assist teachers in making educated decisions about next steps in the instructional process in terms of what skills and content need more emphasis. Also, weak and strong areas of students are revealed. The item specifications for each of the EOC exams greatly assist teaches in deciphering data. Also, an item analysis from EduSoft would be needed. For information regarding how to pull those reports, see EduSoft documents in this tool kit. References: FLDOE Item Specifications Division of Social Sciences Website- EOC Checklists
What was revealed from the District baseline assessments? See Item Analysis. References: EDUSOFT Data Division of Social Sciences Website- EOC Checklists
What guiding questions help me to understand how to conduct an item analysis? How can I get my students to “own” the data and ask important questions themselves? See guiding questions. Use the item specification and the guiding questions to analyze your students’ data accordingly. Encourage students to look at their own data and to ask themselves questions about their own performance. References: EDUSOFT Data Division of Social Sciences Website- EOC Checklists
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