“Alcohol and drug prevention among youth in St. Petersburg” Anna Skvortsova, project coordinator Information and Analyses Center for Social and Health NGOs St. Petersburg, Russia skvortsova@peterlink.ru “Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles, Work Ability & Social Inclusion” St. Petersburg, 11-12 December 2007
Objectives, target group, methods: To influence risk-behaviour of young people towards responsible, sustainable relationship with alcohol, and towards abstinence vis-à-vis drugs. Development of modern preventive programs based on peer-to-peer methods and “Health Councils” in the schools, training for volunteers, interactive public actions, media seminars, seminars for local decision makers 3-4 pilot districts (in cooperation with NCM in St. Petersburg)
Summary of project : Start: November 2007, end: December 2008 Funding: Nordic Council of Ministers & MoFA/ Finland Partners: in St. Petersburg: IAC NGOs, Stellit, “Look to the future”, Drug abuse prevention center (“Rovesnik”) In Finland: Centre for Health Prevention; National Public Health Institute; A-Clinic Foundation In Practice: *Together with the schools and colleges preventive programs and organized actions (monthly action “Independence Day” – health promotion and alcohol prevention among young people, using play methods and creating motivation to healthy lifestyle; peer-to-peer program “Discovery” - prevention of addictive behavior; Health Councils in the schools) *Development of a network of specialists in education, health & social protection. *Etc.
Administration and coordination: Administrative role of the Northern Council of Ministers Information Office in SPb. Steering Committee consists of representatives of Health Committee of SPb, Finland’s Consulate General in SPb, the Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Wellbeing (NDPHS) expert group on Healthy Lifestyles (SIHLWA). Partnership role of other committees in SPb (social, youth, education etc.). Advisory Council consisting of representatives of Scandinavian partners to be formed in Helsinki. Implementation of the project – Information and Analyses Center for Social and Health NGOs in SPb.
Activity outline: Stakeholder analysis: Winter 2008 (Stellit) Trainings in the schools, technical colleges: winter – spring 2008 (Drug abuse prevention Center, Stellit) Interactive prevention actions: winter – spring 2008 (“Look to the Future”) Public action: May 2008 (“Look to the Future”) Media seminars: spring & autumn 2008 (IAC NGO, HC) Seminars for local decision makers: winter - spring 2008 (IAC NGO, Health committee) Publication of the methodological materials: autumn 2008 Evaluation: ongoing; final – Dec. 2008, NDPHS/SIHLWA Final report: December 2008 Possible 2nd phase continuation in 2009
Accordance with national priorities: The Nordic Countries have a special agreement and understanding to work towards reduction of harm of alcohol and of narcotic drugs. The Nordic Countries have important experiences, which they can share with other partners. Project is in full accordance with national strategic plans of Russian Federation and its priorities concerning combating the harmful use of alcohol and drug abuse and its consequences.
Contacts in St. Petersburg : Information and Analyses Center for Social and Health NGOs: Anna Skvortsova, +7-939 5590, skvortsova@peterlink.ru Stellit: Olga Kolpakova, +7-812-445 2893, kolpakova@ngostellit.ru Look to the Future: Anna Khmyrova, +7-921 916 6808, Khmyrova@list.ru Drug Abuse Prevention Center: Marina Orlova, +7-812-575 5613, orlova_m@mail.ru
“Look to the future” ”Взгляд в будущее”