Social & Emotional Wellness Meeting the Needs of Colorado’s Diverse Student Population
Colorado’s District Sample Curriculum Project 11/18/2018 Colorado’s District Sample Curriculum Project Comprehensive Health Unit Development
A VISION FOR EDUCATION THAT PROMOTES SUCCESS FOR ALL PUPILS Social and Emotional Learning: Supports pupil’s mastery of academic skills Nurtures their emotional life Teaches them skills on how to cope with stressful situations Teaches them to get along well with others and make responsible decisions Provides them with a strong moral compass Promotes self-esteem and goal setting
Grade Level Expectation: High School Concepts and skills students master: Set goals, and monitor progress on attaining goals for future success Advocate to improve or maintain positive mental and emotional health for self and others Comprehend concepts that impact of individuals’ use or nonuse of alcohol or other drugs Grade Level Expectation: Seventh Grade Concepts and skills students master: Demonstrate effective communication skills to express feelings appropriately Analyze the consequences of using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs Grade Level Expectation: Fifth Grade Concepts and skills students master: Analyze internal and external factors that influence mental and emotional health Access valid information about the effects of tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke, and prescription and over-the-counter drugs 4
Family Guides to the Colorado Academic Standards In partnership with the Colorado PTA, family and community guides to the Colorado Academic Standards for grades k-12 (in English and Spanish) have been created to help families and communities across Colorado better understand the goals and outcomes of the Colorado Academic Standards. - See more at: They also provide overviews of the learning expectations for each of the ten content areas of the standards and offer examples of educational experiences that students may engage in, and that families could support, during the school year. - See more at: