Toys for Tots St Mary’s County MD Chuck Jones Toys for Tots Coordinator Marine Corps League, Patuxent River, Det 1305 Every child deserves a little Christmas
What is Toys for Tots? 70-year national charitable program run by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, provides happiness and hope to less fortunate children during each Christmas holiday season The toys, books and other gifts collected and distributed by Marines and volunteers offer these children recognition, confidence and a positive memory for a lifetime We believe it is such experiences that help disadvantaged children become responsible citizens and caring members of their community
Toys for Tots The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted The goal is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.
Toys for Tots Objectives Help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas Play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children To unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign Contribute to better communities in the future
Toys for Tots Principal Activities Collect and distribute toys in the communities in which a Marine Corps Reserve Unit is located In communities without a Reserve Unit, the campaign can be conducted by a Local Community Organization authorized by Marine Toys for Tots Foundation Local Toys for Tots Campaign Coordinators conduct an array of activities: golf tournaments, runs, motorcycle rides, etc.
2016 National Campaign The Marines and volunteers distributed 18 million toys to 7 million less fortunate children Local campaigns were conducted in 792 communities covering all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation supplemented local toy collections with over 5.3 million toys valued at $65.5 million
Toys for Tots is a Top-Rated Charity Over 97% of donations goes to our mission of providing toys, books, and other gifts to less fortunate children Less than 3% is spent on fundraising and overhead
2016 St Mary’s County MD In St Mary’s County MD, the MCL, Marines and volunteers distributed 14,201 toys to 1,367 less fortunate children The extremely generous people of our community donated $21,620 that fulfilled the Christmas holiday dreams for many struggling families
Area of Responsibility St Mary’s County MD 28 Core Volunteers 200+ additional volunteers throughout the campaign
Major Collection Sites/Points Approximately 200 box locations throughout the county and NAS Patuxent River Major events during the campaign Collection Days Walmart and Dress Barn (Nov 24, 25, Dec 2 and Dec 9) NEX (Nov 25 and Dec 9) Jump Yard Volunteers needed on all above collection dates from 1000-1600
Registration Information Department of Human Services sends out letters to eligible families for Christmas Caring Program registration Letters are returned to Division of Human Services Matches families to appropriate agency providing food, clothes or toys Sends letters to families involving them of agency assigned
Distribution of Toys Jump Yard Dec 16 from 0800-1600 Dec 17 from 0800-1500 Volunteers needed from 0700-1700 each day
Organization Coordinator Assistant Coordinator Collection Box Route Owners Collection Days Driver Volunteers Public Relations Warehouse Coordinator Distribution Days Division of Human Services Volunteer Shoppers Front Desk (check-out) Exit Door Volunteer Coordinator and Floor Manager Door to Car
Schedule Yearly cycle Monthly meetings start in Jan to capture lessons learned and plan for new year Application submitted by 1 May Organization and community support in Aug/Sep Receive supplies from the Foundation in Sep/Oct Kick off meeting in Oct Boxes to collection sites by 1 Nov Collection Days on all weekends between Thanksgiving and Distribution Days (1 week prior to Christmas) After Action Report due to Foundation on 15 Jan Repeat Coordination and Communication is critical to success Simplicity Keeping everyone informed
Documentation Action Items Volunteer Roster Collection Box Locations MCL and MAD Collection Box Locations Schedule
Communication E-mail Web site Facebook Monthly Meetings Newspaper Facebook Monthly Meetings Toys for Toys and Marine Corps League Newspaper Radio
Execution Collect money and toys throughout the campaign Money Weekly reports – web based and auto populates After Action Report Money Checks Cash On-line donations Toys (new, unwrapped only) Collection boxes across the county and on-base Collection Days Special events Purchase toys based on gender, age, and estimated number of children Toys are counted, sorted and place on shopping shelves Families, assisted by a volunteer shopper, enter the Distribution Center and shop for age appropriate toys for each child Stocking stuffers and a book provided
Volunteers Core Community Hold Harmless Agreements Marine Corps League and Marine Aviation Detachment Community CSM Veteran groups SOMD Young Marines Boy Scouts Girl Scouts Robo-Bees Motorcycle and car clubs Local schools Hold Harmless Agreements Recognition of Service Certificates, hats and t-shirts
Community Support Donation of services, supplies and support Millison Management Chick-fil-A SLSC Walmart Dress Barn Mission BBQ The Taphouse Fitzgerald Auto Mall Dyson Building Supply Toys R Us
Every child deserves a little Christmas Toys for Tots Every child deserves a little Christmas