Warm Up 8/25 You do not need to write down anything for the Warm Up. Get out your maps or your practice test and review until we are ready to start class.
Warm Up 8/26 Start a new Warm-up page – Page 10 in your notebook. How do you think you did on yesterday’s test? Write down the grade you predict that you got on the test. Write down the ways that you studied, when and for what length of time. For example: I reviewed on my own and then my mom quizzed me. I did this Thursday, and Sunday for about 20 minutes each day.
Warm up 8/27 What countries share a border with Iraq? There are 6 of them. What two countries are south of Saudi Arabia? What body of water is south of Iran? What countries border Libya?
Warm Up 8/28 Which of the countries that we are learning is furthest east? Which of the countries that we are learning is furthest west? Name the 5 smallest countries that we are learning.
Warm up 8/29 We are going to try to work in groups for the next 2 days. List rules or procedures for group work that you think we need to have. We will discuss them and form class list before we start our group assignment.
Warm Up 9/2 Which of the countries that we are studying border the Mediterranean Sea? I count 9. Which of the countries that we are studying is furthest north? Which of the countries that we are studying is furthest south?
Get out your map, or practice test and review for your country test. No Warm up 9/3 Get out your map, or practice test and review for your country test.
How many inches of rainfall does the majority of the Middle East receive? 2. What is the highest amount of rainfall in inches on the map? 3. What countries receive the most rainfall? 4.According to the precipitation map, the majority of the land is best suited for what activities? Warm Up 9/4
Warm Up 9/5 How could the presence of oil in a country both help and harm the country? List at least one way for each.
Warm up 9/8 List the bodies of water that a ship leaving the Persian Gulf would have to go through to get to England. Use two different routes for your lists.
Warm Up 9/10 Recalling what you read yesterday, list at least 5 changes that have occurred in the Middle East because of the presence of oil.
Start a new Warm Up page in your notebook. Page 20 -Warm Ups 9/11 -10/1 What has changed as a result of the terrorist attacks on 9/11? List at least 3 things. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Department of Homeland Security was established, and Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the attacks, was killed. The Patriot Act and other legislation expanded Airport security, screenings, liquids on planes, walking people to gate, cockpits door is strengthened, federal air marshalls Read more: How We've Changed Since 9/11 | Infoplease.com http://www.infoplease.com/us/history/911-anniversary-civilian-changes.html#ixzz3CyJEIyno
What does the term standard of living mean? Warm up 9/12/14 Read the standard that is marked with the arrow, or listed on the board. What does the term standard of living mean? What does the term literacy rate mean?