(example: Friendly, stay away, warring?) Bell Ringer Date: February 12th, 2016 Hand in any unfished work or homework. Finish F8 – Era of Good feelings if not turned in. 2) Take out your Bell Ringers for this week and answer the question below (I will collect today)… What should the United State’s Relationship with other countries be like? Why? (example: Friendly, stay away, warring?)
A Quick Lesson on Tariffs Today we will… ■ Explain the effect that a protective tariff has on the price of imported goods. ■ Identify why the government passed the Tariff of 1816. ■ List groups of Americans who opposed the tariff.
1) What happened to textile production in New England between 1816 and 1818? 2) Compare this with what happened to imports from Britain at the same time?
Textbook Time… Turn to Pg. 345 in your textbook. We will read ONE page together. You will read the rest and complete the other questions with an assigned group.
He destroyed Seminole villages, seized Spanish towns. weakened 700 Florida Seminole Nation He destroyed Seminole villages, seized Spanish towns. Spain ceded (gave up) Florida to the US Forced them to give it up