Warm Up 1/27 Answer the following questions: List the members of the Triple Alliance List the members of the Triple Entente Which country was in danger of a two-front war? What was the Schlieffen Plan?
Agenda 1/27 Notebook pass-back, review, and Warm Up “The Great War” Video “Four Steps to War” Notes Timeline Competition Start EQ #2 – WWI Weapons Finish Assignment #8
Essential Question #1 (con’t) What were the causes of WWI? Assignment #9: Four Steps to War (left side)
This cartoon - 'A Chain of Friendship' appeared in a U. S This cartoon - 'A Chain of Friendship' appeared in a U.S. paper in July 1914. The caption read: “If Austria attacks Serbia, Russia will fall upon Austria, Germany upon Russia, and France and England upon Germany.”
1 - Austria Declares War June 14: Franz Ferdinand assassinated July 5: Austria-Hungary gets a 'blank check’ from Germany July 23: Austria-Hungary sends Serbia an ultimatum. Serbia agrees to all but 1 of the demands. July 28: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
2 – Russia Mobilizes July 24: Russia does not want war. If Serbia is invaded, Russia plans to appeal to a conference of the Great Powers July 29: Tsar Nicholas decides to mobilize (call up) his army July 31: Nicholas hopes only to mobilize against Austria-Hungary, but he is forced to go against Germany too Nicholas had let down Serbia in the Bosnian Crisis of 1908; feels pressured Bulgaria declared its independence and on October 6, 1908, Austria-Hungary announced the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Britain, Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Germany and France took an interest in these events. In April 1909 the Treaty of Berlin was amended to accept the new status quo bringing the crisis to an end. The crisis permanently damaged relations between Austria-Hungary on the one hand and Russia and Serbia on the other. The annexation and reactions to the annexation were contributing causes of World War I.
3 – Germany launches Schlieffen Plan Germany has to respond to Austria- Hungary’s mobilization Goal of Schlieffen Plan = get France out of the picture quickly to focus on Russia August 1: Germany mobilizes; declares war on Russia August 3: Germany declares war on France August 4: France declares war on Germany
4 – England Declares War England has been trying to get countries to negotiate the whole time August 2: England promises to be neutral if Germany doesn’t attack France. Kaiser Wilhelm wants to agree, but when he tries to pause the invasion, his generals say “no” August 3: Germans have to go through neutral Belgium – England is ally to Belgium and must back them up if attacked
How do science and technology change the nature of war? Essential Question #2 How do science and technology change the nature of war?
Assignment #10: WWI Weapons (left side) With the person next to you, read the “New Weapons” handout Try to name the weapon used in each quote (list is on the board)