What is the MoCA? Screening for VCI should be conducted using a validated screening tool, such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. Additional screening tools may be found at: Stroke Engine www.strokengine.ca/assess/assessmenttool-domains-en.html http://strokebestpractices.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Table7.2B-EN.pdf
What is the MoCA? The Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MoCA, was created in 1996 by Dr. Z. Nasreddine. It was validated in the setting of mild cognitive impairment, and has subsequently been adopted in other clinical settings. The MoCA is a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive impairment. It was developed in response to the poor sensitivity of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in distinguishing clients with mild cognitive impairment. Therefore, it is recommended that the MoCA test be used in patients with normal range score on MMSE (StrokEngine). The Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Care, 2013, state: Screening for VCI should be conducted using a validated screening tool such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. [Evidence Level C]
What is the MoCA? This 30 point test can be administered in approximately 10 minutes. The MoCA assesses several different cognitive domains: Visuospatial / Executive Naming Memory Attention Language Abstraction Delayed Recall Orientation
What is the MoCA? It can be used in a variety of settings and with culturally diverse populations. The test is available in 35 languages. Sensitive to detecting mild cognitive impairment. Applicable to the stroke population. Any health care professional with knowledge of the MoCA and how to administer it, can use the MoCA . The test and administration instructions are readily available at www.mocatest.org. There is no cost.