Macbeth Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
Act I Act II Act III Act IV Act V 10 20 30 40 50
Question 1 - 10 What are the witches 3 predictions for Macbeth?
Answer 1 – 10 They greet him as: Thane of Glamis Thane of Cawdor King
Question 1 - 20 What are the witches predictions for Banquo?
Answer 1 – 20 Lesser than Macbeth but greater Not as happy as Macbeth but happier You won’t be king, but your son and grandchildren will be.
Question 1 - 30 When Lady Macbeth says “Unsex me here”, what does she mean?
Answer 1 – 30 To give her the courage to act as a man would.
Question 1 - 40 When Lady Macbeth says, “You should look like an innocent flower, but be like the snake that hides underneath the flower. ”, what does she mean?
Answer 1 – 40 Appear innocent, but be deadly to the king.
Question 1 - 50 What are Macbeth’s chief doubts in killing King Duncan?
Answer 1 – 50 He is supposed to be loyal to the king and protect him as a guest in his house He has honored him as of late He has been a good king
Question 2 - 10 What two things happen to Macbeth during the murder that make him seem like he is going crazy?
Answer 2 – 10 Cannot say “amen” Hears voices saying Macbeth doth murder sleep
Question 2 - 20 What does Lady Macbeth have to do to complete the murder?
Answer 2 – 20 Return the bloody daggers and wipe blood on the guards.
Question 2 - 30 What is the purpose of the scene with the porter and his opening the gates of hell?
Answer 2 – 30 Comic relief
Question 2 - 40 What happens to Malcolm and Donalbain?
Answer 2 – 40 They flee to England and Ireland, and it makes everyone think they are responsible for the murder.
Question 2 - 50 What is the purpose of the stories about the storms and the horses eating each other?
Answer 2 – 50 It shows that the natural order is out of place because of Duncan’s murder.
Question 3 - 10 Why does Macbeth order the murder of Banquo?
Answer 3 – 10 Banquo may suspect him of murdering Duncan because he knows the witches’ prophecies.
Question 3 - 20 How does Macbeth convince the murderers to kill Banquo?
Answer 3 – 20 He tells them that Banquo has previously harmed them and that he is the cause of all of their troubles.
Question 3 - 30 Fleance escapes the murderers, why does this upset Macbeth?
Answer 3 – 30 Because of the prediction that Banquo’s children becoming kings. He poses a threat to Macbeth.
Question 3 - 40 Hecate is upset with the witches. What does she order them to do?
Answer 3 – 40 Provide Macbeth with new predictions that will confuse him and give him a false sense of security.
Question 3 - 50 When Macbeth says “Blood will have blood” he means what?
Answer 3 – 50 He will have to face revenge for his actions, and that he will more than likely be killed for them.
Question 4 - 10 The “armed head” tells Macbeth to beware Macduff. How is this both accurate and misleading?
Answer 4 – 10 Macduff does pose a threat to Macbeth because he is rallying forces to remove him as king, but Macbeth blows it off because he already suspected Macduff.
Question 4 - 20 What is misleading about the “none born of woman can harm Macbeth” prophecy?
Answer 4 – 20 Macbeth thinks all men are born of women, he’s not thinking about c-sections or babies taken from the womb.
Question 4 - 30 What is misleading about “Birnham Wood coming to Dunsinane Hill”
Answer 4 – 30 Macbeth thinks that the trees cannot move, therefore he will remain king.
Question 4 - 40 Why does Malcolm pretend to be more evil than Macbeth and say that he will do awful things if restored as King?
Answer 4 – 40 To test MacDuff’s loyalty to Scotland and judge his hatred of Macbeth.
Question 4 - 50 Macbeth demands a fourth prediction from the witches and apparitions. What is the fourth prediction and what is his reaction?
Answer 4 – 50 A line of 8 kings with Banquo at the end, meaning that Banquo’s children will be kings. Macbeth is horrified that there is still a threat to him being king.
Question 5 - 10 What has happened to Lady Macbeth?
Answer 5 – 10 She sleepwalks at night and confesses to the murders. She continually tries to wash blood off of her hands.
Question 5 - 20 How does “Birnham Wood come to Dunsinane Hill”?
Answer 5 – 20 The soldiers cut down limbs and place them in front of them as they march to hide their numbers. This makes it seems that the forest is moving.
Question 5 - 30 How have Macbeth and Lady Macbeth switched roles from Act I to Act V?
Answer 5 – 30 Macbeth was originally driven crazy by guilt after the murder of Duncan while Lady Macbeth remained calm and in charge. In Act V Macbeth is in control while Lady Macbeth’s guilt has driven her insane.
Question 5 - 40 When he meets MacDuff on the battlefield, Macbeth realizes that the witches and apparitions have……
Answer 5 – 40 Deceived him with unclear messages about the forest moving and Macduff’s birth.
Question 5 - 50 Macbeth’s reaction to his wife’s death in the speech “out, out brief candle” shows that Macbeth realizes…..
Answer 5 – 50 Thinks that life is a meaningless path to death, and everything that he has done has been for nothing.