Background to the Reformation Middle Ages 1400 – 1650
Europe in Turmoil. Christian Church had once been the stable centre of European life – it now began to falter. Relationships between Pope and the Kings of Europe changed – kings now wanted to control the Pope. e.g.
Papal Theory God Pope Emperor
Imperial Theory God Pope Emperor
Selling of indulgences. The Black Death – 1347 towns were wiped out many Priests died administering to the sick shortage of priests new priests poorly educated – selection was hasty and often ill-advised hence the quality of priesthood declined.
Battles over papacy raged – two people claiming to be Pope. Italy was torn apart by wars and inquisition. Problems with clergy: concubinage pluralism nepotism. Taxation in church – modelled on the feudal system.
Causes of the Reformation
Abuses occurring in the Catholic Church Clerical exemptions from civil law. Corrupt and uneducated clergy. Rivalry between religious orders.
Spirituality For some, the Protestant Reformation was a quest for a new spirituality.
Money Taxation to support the papacy and clerics was excessive and often corrupt.
Papacy There were corrupt Popes.
Power of Kings Conflict between religious and state leaders. Kings had the power to appoint the higher clergy who become the King’s men in Church robes.
New learning Bible was translated into Greek, making it more accessible to the people. The printing press made it even more accessible, reducing the dependence on the clergy for the Christian message.