Autumn 2 Celebrations This half term we will be focusing on the theme of ‘Celebration’ culminating in the celebration of Christmas. The children will continue their learning through the Early Years Curriculum following their own interests and being taught skills directly through a variety of activities and group sessions. The outline below is a brief description of the learning that will be covered this term during our Discovery time sessions, phonics and maths groups, Explorer afternoons and during all other time spent in school. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Explain their own knowledge and understanding, asking questions of others. Continue to develop awareness of their own and others feelings knowing that some actions and words can hurt others. Communication and Language Develop their confidence in sharing their thoughts and ideas whilst engaged in small group work and during discovery time. Develop their ability to Listen and respond to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion and develop their understanding of what a question is. Physical Development Have opportunities to travel under, over and through, balancing and climbing on a variety of equipment. Use a variety of mark-making and writing resources to develop their gross and fine motor control beginning to correctly form recognisable letters. Develop simple dance moves and routines in response to a range of music. Literacy Continue to be introduced to phonic sounds and through a range of activities helped to link these to letter shapes. Begin to link sounds and letters to write simple words using these to create labels, signs and captions. Look at non- fiction texts beginning to understand how information can be found within these. Maths Develop their confidence using numbers to 10/20; counting, ordering, naming and problem solving. Begin to find numbers that are 1 more or less than a given number. Start to use the language of addition and subtraction whilst engaged in practical activities. Explore and create patterns continuing to learn about mathematical shapes. Understanding of the world Learn about different celebrations considering the similarities and differences between them. Talk about celebrations within their own family and friendship circle thinking in particular about how birthdays are celebrated. Learn about the first Christmas and why it is celebrated. Consider how we know about historic celebrations such as Bonfire night and Christmas. Expressive Art and Design Work both inside and out using a variety of media and materials to create paintings, collages, and models. Be involved in the retelling of the nativity through drama, song, music and dance. RE Celebration Investigate the significance of celebrations, in particular the celebration of birth and birthdays. Learn about Jesus’ birthday and how and why it is celebrated by Christians. We will discover that Christmas is celebrated by different people in different ways and that particular countries and cultures have their own traditions.