Digitizing AVID Making the digital transition for your AVID Classes & providing tips and tricks for AVID strategies Powerpoint can be found on my website home page: mrsmith6class.weebly.com
About Me Teacher at Modesto High School AVID (Juniors) and Mathematics 3rd year teaching Former AVID Tutor My email: smith.f@monet.k12.ca.us Website: www.mrsmith6class.weebly.com
Disclaimer Technology is just a Tool It is not a replacement for instruction and interaction Everything we are going to cover is simply a different way of incorporating technology
Quick Interactions Session 1: http://bit.ly/2xN0Wy1 If you have a Twitter account, tweet about a recent tech involved lesson with the hashtag, #SJCOEAVID
Objective In this session, you will learn tips, tricks, and how to incorporate technology into your AVID and AVIDized classroom; including OneDrive, Google Drive, OneNote, Kahoot, Google and Microsoft Forms, and Twitter.
Binders = OneDrive/Google Drive In OneDrive or Google Drive, you can have the students reproduce their binders. Create main folder for the school year (Junior Year 2017 2018) Subfolders for each class and teacher (AVID – Smith) Within each class subfolder, you should decide how you would like your students to organize their materials AVID Folder: Cornell Notes, Grade Checks, Handouts, Homework, Test/Quizzes, TRF’s, Portfolio Content Folders: Cornell Notes, Handouts, Homework, Test/Quizzes Make sure to review Naming conventions for electronic documents
Portfolios = OneDrive/Google Drive Student portfolios can take up a lot of physical space and are paper heavy When setting up the students’ cloud storage, students can create a folder for their Portfolio in their AVID class folder Setting up their cloud storage allows students to share access with you OneDrive: Use the “Copy To” feature to transfer previously uploaded material to their portfolio folder (right click options) Google Drive: Use the “Make a Copy” feature and then the “Move to” their portfolio folder
Socratic Seminar = Twitter Do you have a public speaking problem with some of your students? Using Twitter may be the answer The set up is easy Nothing in the process changes until you get to the discussion portion Create a Hashtag to track the conversation (#SJCOEAVID) You do not need an account, but it helps Class should be centered around a visible screen with the hashtag search stream displayed Establish rules that you feel comfortable with and can implement
The Twitter Socratic Seminar Two ways you can start You tweet the prompt (written tweet or picture tweet) You give a physical prompt and the students start the process The limited character count forces the students to focus their thoughts/opinion Semi-permanent record of what was said Research on Twitter Socratic Seminar: http://bit.ly/2wb5yf6 Hashtag search: https://twitter.com/search
Team Building = Kahoot Interactive game-based Free to create an account Types of games: Quiz, Discussion, Survey, and Jumble Quiz: single player or team based quiz that rewards points for accuracy AND speed Ranks the players and drives fun spirited competition while testing their knowledge Building and administering Kahoot, go to kahoot.com To play Kahoot (participants), go to kahoot.it
Evidence (The Crate) = OneDrive/Google Drive Evidence collection is one of the largest tasks throughout the school year In your cloud storage system, one person can create shared folders for the site team or entire staff can access and upload to Upload documents anytime Reduces weight of paper Can be easily reproduced by copying each year
Google Forms/Microsoft Forms I personally prefer Google Forms despite using mainly Microsoft products Amazing information gathering tool via surveys Collects the information from the participants and creates data reports and a spreadsheet Customizable with lots of options Let’s take a look PowerPoint on my website as well
OneNote & OneNote Class Notebooks The best note taking application! Automatically saves your writing Can import any document into OneNote via printing or Insert File Printout Let’s jump right into it! AVID Templates available to download: http://bit.ly/2xREUKk Class Notebook Tools download: http://bit.ly/1o6wlWo
Bonus Round! SAT Daily Practice Question App Daily question from either Reading, Writing & Language, Math w/o Calc., and Math w/ Calc. and 3 levels of difficulty Scan and score practice tests Links to Khan Academy and College Board
Bonus Rounds! Adobe Scan/OfficeLens Turns your phone into a PDF scanner Take a picture, edit, convert to PDF, and share Perfect for making digital copies